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ICT resources strategic planning policy

Document type:
Final v3.0.0
November 2023–current
Security classification:
Planning and investment


This policy ensures that agency ICT resources strategic planning is supported by a structured and consistent approach for managing current ICT assets and planning for current and future investments.

Policy statement

The Queensland Government plans for ICT investments using structured and consistent methods that support agency, cross-agency, government, and cross-jurisdictional ICT resources strategic planning.

Policy benefits

The Queensland Government has significant resources invested in ICT. It is necessary to optimise resources to invest in initiatives that contribute towards agency, government, and cross-jurisdictional business directions, and to support efficient and effective service delivery. Effective ICT resources strategic planning also:

  • enhances agency investment governance processes by providing a level of confidence that initiatives being undertaken are of the most benefit to the agency
  • provides an evidence-based approach to derive the right initiatives for the agency
  • improves ICT asset management practices across the Queensland Government
  • facilitates collaboration opportunities to reduce duplication, manage risk, and leverage existing investments or capabilities
  • provides a holistic and integrated view of ICT investments across Queensland Government
  • identifies whole-of-government purchasing opportunities where a licensing arrangement or a panel arrangement may be established or where an existing licence could be shared.


This policy applies to all Queensland Government departments (as defined by the Public Sector Act 2022). Accountable officers (not already in scope of the Public Sector Act 2022) and statutory bodies under the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019 must have regard to this policy in the context of internal controls, financial information management systems and risk management. Please see How to apply the QGEA for further information.

Policy requirements

Policy requirement 1: Departments must use a consistent and evidence-based ICT resources strategic planning process

A comprehensive, consistent and evidence-based ICT resources strategic planning process contributes to an agency’s business direction and maximises existing capabilities. It also incorporates mechanisms to support investment governance for business continuity planning, information planning, security planning and reduces investment duplication. When undertaking ICT resources strategic planning, departments can use the Digital and ICT strategic planning framework or other equivalent fit-for-purpose approach. Other approaches must also satisfy the reporting requirements as per the ICT profiling standard.

Policy requirement 2: Departments must establish ICT governance arrangements with reference to ISO 38500:2016

Departments must establish ICT governance arrangements with reference to the current version of ISO 38500:2016 Information technology - Governance of IT for the organisation. ICT governance constitutes a subset of organisational or corporate governance and promotes the effective, efficient, and acceptable use of ICT.

Departments and Queensland Government ICT service providers must establish an information steering committee (or similar forum) to ensure the efficient, effective, and equitable use of current and future ICT resources and to ensure the contribution towards business direction at an agency, cross-agency, government, and cross-jurisdictional level. Smaller departments may incorporate this function into other governance processes.


For further information on planning obligations, agencies should refer to the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019 and the supporting Agency Planning Requirements.

When conducting ICT resources strategic planning, departments should also consider human resource requirements for maintaining current ICT assets and delivering future initiatives. For workforce capability planning tools and methods to assist departments and Queensland Government ICT service providers in better aligning workforce demand and supply, please refer to Develop digital and ICT capabilities.


This policy comes into effect from the issue date.

Reporting requirements

This policy has specific reporting requirements:

#Reporting requirementDate due
1 The reporting requirements submitted as per the current QGEA ICT profiling standard (Queensland Government employees only). as per ICT profiling standard
2 The draft or endorsed ICT initiatives and activities submitted as part of their work plan and as per the current QGEA ICT profiling standard (Queensland Government employees only). as per ICT profiling standard

Other resources

A range of specific ICT profiling collection tools and templates are available to agencies to support the collection and submission of ICT profiling data.

Issue and review

Issue date: 10 November 2023
Next review date: November 2025

This QGEA policy is published within the QGEA and administered by the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group. It was developed by QGCDG and approved by the Director-General, Department of Transport and Main Roads.