QGEA Employee experience responsibilities
Queensland Government executives are responsible for providing employees with the tools and technologies needed to perform efficiently and effectively. The Queensland Government Enterprise Architecture (QGEA) provides guidance that describe the experience our employees can expect us to deliver through our ICT services.
Mandated policies in this category
Policy |
May 2020–current
Queensland Government will adopt the use of Microsoft Teams for collaboration within and across the Queensland public service.
- Departments must use MS Teams as the primary platform for intra and inter departmental collaboration.
Policy |
December 2017–current
This policy will assist departments in managing the balance between shared and siloed infrastructure and lower the cost of Machinery of Government changes
- Departments must as a minimum comply with the wired and wireless repeatable architectural pattern outlined in the QGEA Collaborative workspace strategy and principles, unless the Chief Executive Officer has formally approved an exemption.
- Uptake of services enacted by this policy should be procured through the Queensland Government panel arrangement ITSS.1405A/C.
- Agency relocations into single floor, multi-floor and multi-tenant buildings should be reported to QGCIO and/or the HPW, ICTSS.
Policy |
August 2024–current
The Shared service policy details Queensland Government's strategy for adopting shared service to improve public service and encourage departmental collaboration.
- Services must be outcomes-focused.
- Shared service must be considered from the start.
- Shared service is a partnership (one-government).
- Shared service must have proven comparable value.
- Employees as experts.
Policy |
December 2015–current
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the implementation of consistent policies and practices in the management of employee use of ICT services, facilities and devices.
- Departments must implement policies addressing employee use and monitoring of ICT services, facilities and devices.
- Departments must ensure all employees are aware of, understand and acknowledge their responsibilities and policy obligations when using ICT services, facilities and devices.
Additional QGEA guidance to consider