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Restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) platform DeepSeek on government provided devices are now in place.

QGEA Reference models

The Queensland Government Enterprise Architecture (QGEA) reference models offer advice that helps keep planning, managing, and talking about information and communication technology (ICT) consistent. You can find links to these models in the Additional QGEA guidance section.

QGEA Metamodel

The Queensland Government metamodel provides a common language for agencies to design their business and service delivery, plan business change and responsiveness, conduct strategic business planning and ICT resources management, and to share their experience with other agencies.

It also provides whole of government comparison across organisations and initiatives, ability to categorise core and common candidates, and inform future state blueprint and target architecture for Queensland Government.

Additional QGEA guidance to consider

More information

For further advice on mandatory directions within the QGEA, see the other categories or search the full list of digital policies, standards and guidelines.