QGEA Planning and investment requirements
Planning and investment guidance helps to show how information and communication technology (ICT) investments align to agency strategic and whole-of-government priorities. This guidance supports a consistent approach to digital investment planning.
The Queensland Government Enterprise Architecture (QGEA) provides a list of policies that assist aligning agencies’ ICT services to the Queensland Government’s objectives.
As digital leaders, we can improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and safety of our agency’s ICT services by following QGEA policy requirements.
Agencies can access the international standards that regulate the Queensland Government’s management of planning and investment below, together with supporting policies and guidelines.
- ISO 38500:2016 Information technology - Governance of IT for the organisation.
Mandated policies in this category
Policy |
November 2023–current
Ensuring ICT resources strategic planning is supported by a structured and consistent approach for managing current ICT assets and planning for current and future investments.
- Departments must use a consistent and evidence based approach for ICT resources strategic planning..
- Departments must establish ICT governance arrangements with reference to ISO 38500.
Policy |
June 2024–current
The adoption of portfolio, program and project management strengthens governance and assurance practices of digital and ICT-enabled initiatives which improves the successful delivery of public services across Queensland Government.
- Effective and consistent portfolio, program and project management.
- Structured, effective and consistent portfolio, program and project assurance.
- Structured, effective and consistent portfolio, program and/or project office model.
Policy |
February 2022–current
This policy seeks to ensure a structured, effective and consistent approach to the acquisition, management, maintenance and disposal of ICT products and services.
- Departments must conduct forward procurement planning.
- Departments must ensure effective contractual arrangements are in place.
- Departments must ensure industry has equitable access to procurement processes.
- Departments must implement appropriate ICT product lifecycle and services management.
Additional QGEA guidance to consider