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Resources and tools for records management

Key resources

The key resources your public authority will need to understand and follow to meet its records management obligations are:


How it will help your public authority

Public Records Act 2023

Sets the mandatory requirements for how we manage work-related public records in the Queensland Public Sector.

Records governance policy

Improve capability and establish a fit-for-purpose records management framework.

This policy applies to public authorities as defined under s.8 of the Public Records Act 2023.

Public authorities must have regard to this policy in making or managing a public record under s.12(b) of the Public Records Act 2023.

Implementing the Records governance policy advice and Recordkeeping maturity assessment tool complement the policy, and support your public authority to operationalise best practice records management.

Ministerial records policy

Understand the management of ministerial records.

All Queensland Government Ministers and Assistant Ministers must have regard to this policy in making or managing a public record under s.12(b) of the Public Records Act 2023.

Appraisal  StatementWhile appraisal is relevant to all public records, this Appraisal Statement will focus on the characteristics guiding the identification and appraisal of public records for permanent retention.

Read more about  the Appraisal Statement.

Understand the mandatory requirements for the disposal of public records.

Dispose of source records helps you understand disposal of original public records after they have been migrated, converted or digitised.

You can use Search for a retention and disposal schedule to find your core business, sector, functional or general retention and disposal schedule.

The following standards and guidelines were revoked with the commencement of the Public Records Act 2023 and where appropriate, are provided as advice to public authorities.

Queensland recordkeeping metadata standard and guideline

Refer to National Archives of Australia Australian Government Recordkeeping Metadata Standard and Office of the National Data Commissioner Guide on Metadata Attributes until included as outcome-based principle in mandatory standard(s)
Records governance policy implementation guidelineImplementing the Records governance policy advice
Dispose of source records guideline

Dispose of source records advice

Building and information modelling (BIM) guideline

Building and information modelling (BIM) records advice

Proactive protection of vulnerable persons guideline

Vulnerable persons records management toolkit advice

Other resources

You will find advice, resources, forms, templates and tools to support your everyday records management practices here:



Training and awareness programs can be used to ensure staff understand their responsibilities and have the right knowledge and skills to make and keep public records.

A recordkeeping training and awareness program will usually cover:

  • what employees need to do–their recordkeeping responsibilities
  • why they need to do it–the legal recordkeeping obligations of your public authority
  • how they are going to do it–examples of public records that employees need to keep and how they can capture, keep and lawfully destroy them.

The type of training and awareness program you choose, and how it is implemented and delivered, will depend on your public authority.

Please note QSA will develop further training on the new Recordkeeping policy framework under the Public Records Act 2023 including mandatory standards once this is in place later in 2025.








Retention and disposal schedule




Disposal authorisation















Machinery of Government (MoG) changes




Recordkeeping and archival organisations


Queensland State Archives does not endorse suppliers.  It is your responsibility to discuss your requirements with intended suppliers.

Records storage, retrieval and destruction services (HSQ97042) details suppliers under the whole-of-government standing offer arrangements.

Archival products (material and equipment)

Albox Australia Polypropylene ring binders, folders, boxes, etc. Phone: 1300 799 209
Address: 75 Manton Street, Hindmarsh SA 5007
Authorised Albox Reseller - Studio 105 Studio 105 is the authorised reseller of Albox products in Queensland. Phone: (07) 3870 2675
Address: 1/109 Indooroopilly Road, Taringa QLD 4068

Archival Survival

Archival quality storage products and equipment.

Phone: 1300 781 199
Address: PO Box 1139, Doncaster East VIC 3109

Conservation Resources Archival quality storage products and equipment. Phone: 1800 641 277
Address: PO Box 210, Enmore NSW 2042
GuisePak [GuiseGroup Pty Ltd] Manufacture archival quality packaging including paper, board and box material. Phone: (03) 9584 8388
Address: 18 Taunton Drive, Cheltenham VIC 3192
Plastics Australia Specialise in polypropylene products including folder, box and filing system materials. Phone: (07) 3266 1200 or 1800 100 717 (regional)
Address: 53 Union Street, Toombul QLD 4012

Preservation Australia

Consultancy and workshop/ seminar services.

Provide archival quality storage products.

Phone: 1300 651 408
Address: PO Box 210, Enmore NSW 2042

State Library Shop [State Library of Queensland]

Archival papers, polypropylene and polyester materials in small quantities.

Phone: (07) 3840 7576
Address: State Library of Queensland–Stanley Place, South Bank, PO Box 3488, South Brisbane QLD 4101

Ty-Tite Products

Produce Ty-Tite file fasteners.

Phone: (03) 9555 7057
Address: 14 Bricker Street, Cheltenham North VIC 3192 / PO Box 144, Bentleigh East VIC 3165

Zetta Florence Archival quality storage products including polypropylene albums and boxes, archival quality boxes and albums and NAA compliant 500 year papers. Phone: (03) 9417 3365
Address: 197B Brunswick Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065

Specialist photographic and audiovisual services



Treatment, digitisation and digital asset management services for a range of film, video, audio and optical formats.

Phone: (02) 6242 6456
Address: 32 Essington Street, Mitchell ACT 2911

Crystal Mastering

Digitisation for a range of audio formats.

Phone: (03) 9484 8814
Address: 77 Newman Street, Thornbury VIC 3071

FATS Media Lab

Treatment, digitisation and digital asset management services for a range of film, video, audio and optical formats.

Phone: (02) 9417 8666
Address: Unit 1B/372 Eastern Valley Way, Chatswood NSW 2067


Lab services including developing, printing and scanning of various photographic film and print materials.

Phone: (07) 3229 5083
Address: 200 Moggill Road, Taringa QLD 4068

Prolab Lab services including developing, printing and scanning of various photographic film and print materials. Phone: (07) 3195 4919
Address: Suite 1 Unit 2/38 Bishop Street, Kelvin Grove QLD 4059

Data capture services (including microfilming and scanning)

Micrographic Applications Microfilming and digitisation of cards, documents; maps/plans and microforms. Phone: (07) 3348 9577
Address: 17b Graystone Street, Tingalpa QLD 4173
Queensland Micrographics Variety of microfilming and digitisation services. Phone: (07) 4724-0492
Address: 272 Sturt Street, Townsville QLD 4810
Avantix Large format scanning and printing, document, aperture card, photographic, x-ray and microfilm roll and fiche digitisation. Phone: (07) 3211 7710
Address: Unit 3/20 Smallwood Place, Murarrie QLD 4172
Filescan Range of digitisation services. Phone: 0417 611 621
Address: Suite 329/421 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006

Relevant and responsible public authorities

Search for relevant and responsible public authorities.

Find a schedule

Use the schedule search or search at the top of any page with a schedule's name, number or the agency it's issued to find it.

Contact Queensland State Archives