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Conduct and performance excellence service

Use the Conduct and Performance Excellence (CaPE) service for specialist help managing unsatisfactory conduct or performance.

See the CaPE case categorisation framework. The framework outlines how to assess and manage unsatisfactory conduct or performance. Submit an HR Assist enquiry if you need help using the framework or your enquiry is about the application of an employment directive issued by the Public Service Commissioner.

The CaPE service provides advice to Queensland Government managers, human resource practitioners, and industrial relation practitioners about:

  • conduct and performance matters
  • government directives and guidelines
  • ethics and code of conduct matters
  • declarations of interests and gifts and benefits.

The CaPE service sets and monitors benchmarks (timeliness) and standards (quality) for Queensland Government agencies handling of these matters, and liaises with the Crime and Corruption Commission to ensure matters are handled by the appropriate organisation.

Use our online form to submit an HR Assist enquiry.

Submit an HR Assist enquiry

Lodge a CaPE and HR Assist enquiry

Human resources and industrial relations practitioners and managers can lodge an online enquiry form to get advice on a range of conduct and performance issues.