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State Government Entities Certified Agreement

Important message for Core Agreement bargaining

2023 Core Agreement Certified 23 October 2023

The Office of Industrial Relations (OIR) are pleased to advise that on 23 October 2023, the State Government Entities Certified Agreement 2023 (2023 Core Agreement) was certified by the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC).

Accordingly, the 2023 Core Agreement is now operative. It will shortly be accessible via the QIRC website. In the meantime, you can still access a copy of the Agreement from this Forgov page under the heading 'Update as at 14 September 2023'.

All reasonable efforts will be made to have the first wage increase of 4% effective 1 July 2023, and COLA payment of 3% base wages, paid to eligible employees as quickly as possible. Your employer will provide you with further details of the timing of these payments in due course.

If you have any questions, please contact your agency or union representative (see 'More Information' below).

Successful ballot outcome – update as at 16 October 2023

The Office of Industrial Relations (OIR) are pleased to advise that the ballot for the proposed 2023 Core Agreement has been successful as the valid majority of employees voted in support of the Agreement which includes substantial wages enhancements and non-wages elements.

The OIR will now progress an application to the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission to certify the 2023 Core Agreement in the coming days. A further update will be provided once the Agreement has been certified and becomes operational.

All reasonable efforts will be made to have the first wage increase of 4% effective 1 July 2023, and COLA payment of 3% base wages, paid to eligible employees as a quickly as possible after certification.

If you have any questions, please contact your agency or union representative (see 'More Information' below).

Consultation and ballot information – update as at 14 September 2023

Employees will soon have an opportunity to vote in relation to the proposed State Government Entities Certified Agreement 2023 (the proposed Agreement). The Agreement has been developed with, and is supported by, the unions party to the Agreement.

Prior to the ballot commencing, a 14-day consultation period on the proposed Agreement is required to be undertaken.

The consultation period commences 14 September 2023 and will run until 28 September 2023.

Explanatory Material

A copy of the proposed Agreement and explanatory material to assist with understanding the proposed Agreement, is now available for employees to review ahead of the ballot:

Entity Specific Explanatory Material

The following documents contained at the links below provide a summary of the key changes to terms and conditions for the proposed Agreement for entity specific appendices and changes.

The documents have been designed to assist employees within those entities to understand any changes and/or enhancements to be provided in the proposed Agreement.

Employees in the entities listed below should review the information contained at the link relevant to them. The documents should be read in conjunction with the broader Explanatory Materials provided above.

Entity specific appendices or changes:


If you have any questions about the proposed Agreement, please contact your entity representative or union representative (see contact lists on this page under ‘More information’).


Government has engaged an independent ballot provider, GoVote, to carry out the ballot for the proposed Agreement. GoVote has experience conducting ballots for other state and federal government agencies, and is committed to confidentiality and protecting your privacy. A copy of GoVote’s collection notice can be found on GoVote website.

The ballot will open at 6.00am on 29 September 2023 and will close at 6.00pm on 13 October 2023.

GoVote will send relevant employees voting instructions shortly before the ballot period opens via work email address or post if applicable. This will include voting options by telephone or online, where employees will be required to enter a PIN number provided by GoVote and their payroll number.

The ballot will ask employees if they approve the proposed 2023 Core Agreement with a 'Yes' or 'No' answer required.


If the ballot indicates that a valid majority of employees approve the proposed Agreement, the Office of Industrial Relations and the unions will apply for the Agreement to be certified in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC).

It is proposed that once certified by the QIRC, the proposed Agreement will replace the current relevant industrial instruments:

  • QBuild Office Staff Certified Agreement 2019; and
  • State Government Entities Certified Agreement 2019, insofar as it has application to employees bound by the 2023 Core Agreement.

It also proposed that these industrial instruments will be terminated following certification of the proposed Agreement, at the appropriate time:

The proposed Agreement will operate from the date of certification. All reasonable efforts will be made to have the first wage increase of 4% effective 1 July 2023, and COLA payment of 3% base wages, paid to eligible employees as a quickly as possible after certification.

The Office of Industrial Relations are pleased to advise that on 31 July 2023 in-principle agreement was reached with union negotiating parties for the replacement Core Agreement.

The in-principle agreement is consistent with the offer made by Government on 14 July 2023, with additional commitments made in relation to agency/entity specific matters as agreed with the relevant union/s and the parties have agreed to not to change the current provisions regarding the extended spread of hours in the Brisbane CBD.

The terms of the Heads of Agreement outlines further detail of the in-principle agreement. This document has now been signed or supported by the unions party to the Core Agreement.

View the terms of the Heads of Agreement (PDF, 197.9 KB) .

This will see Core Agreement employees receive headline wage increases, and those allowances linked to wage increases, as follows:

  • 4% on current agreement rates of pay (as at 30 June 2023) effective 1 July 2023 (back paid from the date of certification);
  • 4% on the 1 July 2023 rates of pay effective 1 July 2024; and
  • 3% on the 1 July 2024 rates of pay, effective 1 July 2025.

Core Agreement eligible employees will also receive Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) payments paid at the beginning of each of the three years if triggered, as opposed to the end of each year. For the first agreement year the COLA payment will be the maximum 3%.

Government will proceed with seeking approval of the in-principle agreement in accordance with standard processes.

The OIR will also work with entities/agencies and unions to finalise drafting for the replacement agreement and make arrangements for consultation and a ballot of employees, pending Government approval.

All reasonable efforts will be made to have the first wage increase of 4% effective 1 July 2023, and COLA payment of 3% base wages, paid to eligible employees as a quickly as possible after certification.

If you have any questions about the agreement making process, please contact your agency or union representative (see 'More Information' below).

On 19 May 2023, Government provided a significant and time limited wages offer for early resolution of the Core Agreement, and was subject to all non-wage related matters being resolved by 31 July 2023.

This generous offer includes the opportunity to receive an earlier pay increase effective 1 July 2023 as opposed to 1 September 2023, and Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) payments paid at the beginning of each of the three years, as opposed to the end of each year.

Core Agreement entities and unions have engaged in good faith negotiations regarding central and agency specific non-wage related matters, with a view to meeting the 31 July 2023 timeframe.

On 14 July 2023, Government provided an updated offer to unions, in an effort to meet the timeframe, and to resolve negotiations expeditiously so that staff can receive enhanced wages as early as possible.

The offer includes the original wages elements outlined in the wages offer dated 19 May 2023 and also includes all non-wage elements as a result of negotiations through Core Agreement discussions.

In addition to the significant wage enhancements, the offer includes a package of commitments that support employers and unions parties, together with employees, to continue to work on important matters in the workplace. Broadly, this includes improvements that address key themes raised during the negotiations, such as gender equity, intensification of work, the right to disconnect, work life balance, cost of living, remuneration, and consultative processes.

This offer (inclusive of wages and non-wages elements) is open for acceptance by union parties until close of business 31 July 2023.

This will allow formalisation of the agreement and processing of the wage enhancements as quickly as possible should agreement be reached and upon certification of the agreement. This includes payment of the 4% wage increase effective 1 July 2023 and the first COLA payment which will be 3% of base wages paid to eligible employees.

Government looks forward to resolving this round’s Core Agreement bargain swiftly with a view to rewarding its hard-working public servants.

View the Core Bargaining Offer (PDF, 730.6 KB)

If you have any questions about the negotiations, please contact your agency or union representative (see ‘More Information' below).

The State Government Entities Certified Agreement 2019 (the Core Agreement) nominally expires on 31 August 2023. Negotiations have commenced for a replacement agreement.

On 19 May 2023, the Government has made a written time limited offer to negotiating parties for the early resolution of the Core Agreement bargain. The Government is committed to ensuring the Core Agreement bargain is resolved expeditiously and that staff receive enhanced wages as early as possible.

View the Core Bargaining Offer (PDF, 101.9 KB)

The Government is offering its Core Agreement an early pay increase effective 1 July 2023, rather than waiting until the historical pay anniversary date of 1 September. The pay increases will be:

  • 4% in year 1
  • 4% in year 2
  • 3% in year 3.

Additionally, Government is offering the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) payment to be paid earlier than under normal circumstances, being at the beginning of the agreement year not the end of an agreement year.

This offer provides comparable wage enhancements to those bargains negotiated to date. Further, those wage enhancements have been agreed in approximately 23 bargains to date and arrangements are underway to ensure employees in those bargains have the benefit of enhanced wages as soon as possible.

This offer is time limited until 31 July 2023.

More information

If you have any questions about the negotiations, please contact your agency or union representative:

See Employee pay and benefits for information about the current Core Agreement.