Medical Category Council
On this page
The Medical Category Council oversees and directs strategic procurement and sourcing activities by Queensland Health category leads relating to the spend on medical goods and services across the Queensland Government.
The Category Council guides and agrees upon the category plans and strategies aimed at improving collaboration, procurement practices and delivering value for money outcomes under the Queensland Government’s procurement approach, including the Queensland Procurement Policy.
Lead agency: Queensland Health
Category Council member agencies
- Corporate Services Division, Queensland Health
- Queensland Government Procurement, Department of Housing and Public Works
- eHealth Queensland, Queensland Health
- Health Infrastructure Queensland, Queensland Health
- Healthcare Purchasing and System Performance Division, Queensland Health
- First Nations Health Office, Queensland Health
- Hospital and Health Service representatives
- Queensland Ambulance Service
Meeting dates
Meeting dates for 2025:
- 26 February
- 28 May
- 27 August
- 26 November
Decision-making authority
The Council will endorse matters by agreement (by a majority of members attending a meeting) in relation to procurement activities within the Medical Category and for the wider Queensland health system.
The Council will make recommendations to the relevant delegated authority for final approval/decision-making.
Request a presentation to the category council to the category council
The Chair must approve requests to make a presentation to the Council.
To request a presentation, email
Presentation shouldn't be longer than 20 minutes, including question time.
Industry reference group/approach
The Council has established an industry reference group to seek advice, support and feedback to proposed initiatives.
- Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association
- Australian Medical Association, Queensland
- Department of Housing and Public Works (General Goods and Services Category)
- Medical Technology Association of Australia
- Professionals Australia
- Queensland Disability Advisory Council
- Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union
- Recruitment, Consulting and Staffing Association, ANZ
- The Pharmacy Guild, Queensland Branch
- The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia
- Together Union
- United Workers Union
Meeting dates
Meetings for 2025 are scheduled on a quarterly basis, pending availability of members:
- 29 January
- 30 April
- 30 July
- 29 October
More information
Office of the Chief Procurement Officer
System Procurement, Corporate Services Division
Phone: (07) 3542 6449