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Restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) platform DeepSeek on government provided devices are now in place.


The Utilities sub-category in General Goods and Services manages the large and small site electricity arrangements and the metering and data services arrangement.

The category negotiates the buying on behalf of customers under a consolidated whole-of-government portfolio with 1 supplier for each arrangement.

Standing offer arrangements (SOAs)

The category manages 3 SOAs which aim to maximise savings and, through the aggregation of sites, provides government agencies with value for money.  The SOAs include:

  • Retail and Wholesale Electricity for large market sites
  • Retail Electricity for small market sites
  • Metering and Data Services

Retail and wholesale electricity (large site)

The arrangement consists of retail services (GGS0056-18) and a long-term wholesale agreement (GGS0055-18) for large market sites with usage over 100,000 kWh/annum.

To join, new customers must execute a retail agreement and Deed Poll (wholesale agreement) with CS Energy.

The retail service is a simple cost to serve mechanism of $/NMI/month.

The wholesale energy price is a base price with each customer having its own pricing factor. The factor is based on the customer's consumption and the wholesale energy price during daily periods, resulting in an adjustment of the base price.

Renewable energy Power Purchase Agreements are incorporated into the arrangement with a target of 50% renewable energy by 2030 to support Queensland Government objectives.

Read more about GGS0055-19 and GGS0056-19 on the Queensland Government Arrangements Directory.

Retail electricity (small site)

The arrangement provides electricity to small market sites (QGP0089-22) located in South East Queensland with usage under 100,000 kWh/annum.

To join, new customers must execute a retail electricity agreement with Origin Energy.

Pricing is a bundled rate with the retail component based on a discount to the Default Market Offer. The retail component is fixed, and network costs are passed through.

The arrangement provides the option of site specific or consolidated billing. Green Power is an option under this arrangement, customers can elect to purchase either 25%, 50% or 100% green power for their sites.

Read more about QGP0089-22 on the Queensland Government Arrangements Directory.

Metering and data services

The arrangement (GGS0067-20) covers contestable customer metering (large sites), non-market customer metering (small sites), electricity sub-metering, temporary metering as well as water and gas sub-metering.

The supplier also offers access to metering data through an on-line portal providing a variety of reports and graphs that can be downloaded for internal use.

To join, new customers must execute a Metering and Data Services Agreement with Yurika Metering.

Read more about GGS0067–20 on the Queensland Government Arrangements Directory.

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