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Restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) platform DeepSeek on government provided devices are now in place.

Contingent workforce

The Contingent workforce sub-category in General goods and services manages the preferred supplier panel for the provision of temporary and contracted workers. The category provides arrangements which create opportunities for suppliers of all types enabling customers to easily deliver on the requirements of the Queensland Procurement Policy and agency priorities.

Temporary and Contracted Workers Preferred Supplier Panel (PSP)

This whole-of-government arrangement (GGS0060) is for the engagement of temporary and contracted workers in the following categories:

  • Administration
  • Community
  • ICT
  • Infrastructure, Construction and Maintenance
  • Scientific and Technical

The PSP includes a diverse set of suppliers including Queensland small and medium enterprises (SMEs), social enterprises and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses, enabling buyers to meet Government targets and commitments.

A full range of resources have been developed for buyers and can be found on the Queensland Government Arrangement Directory.

Periodic reviews are conducted on this PSP to assess whether it continues to meet the needs and requirements of agencies and the priorities of the government.

If you are a supplier wanting to stay informed of future tendering opportunities for this arrangement, it is encouraged for your business to register on the Queensland Government QTender website to receive notifications.

Also available on QTenders, is the Forward Procurement Pipeline (FPP) interactive dashboard which provides details of upcoming tender opportunities and approximate timeframes.

Some other websites which you may find useful in relation to supplying to Queensland Government include information regarding tendering are:

Read more about GGS0060 on the Queensland Government Arrangement directory.

Public access to the Queensland Government Arrangement Directory

Resource Manager Service (RMS)

The RMS arrangement (CPO79811) provides expertise in contingent workforce management through relationship managers, who are highly skilled recruitment professionals, supported by a team of HR and recruitment specialists. This service is not mandatory to use to access suppliers on the preferred supplier panel.

Benefits can be realised in several areas:

  • value for money talent acquisition
  • data and business intelligence
  • efficiencies and compliance.

The RMS provides centralised management of temporary and contracted workers and the suppliers that provide those services to Queensland Government agencies and other eligible Government entities under the GGS0060 Temporary and Contracted Workers Preferred Supplier Panel.

Read more about CPO79811 on the Queensland Government Arrangement Directory.

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