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Training program

All Community Recovery Ready Reserve members must complete mandatory online training to be eligible for deployment. The Community Recovery team will email you the enrolment details to access the training program once you join. You can access training from a workplace or at home and these details will be provided in your welcome email.

Community Recovery training courses have been developed on:

  • how Community Recovery delivers services to disaster affected individuals, families and communities
  • what the Ready Reserve need to do to prepare for their community recovery roles
  • workforce systems and processes and how to apply them
  • how to look after yourself and others during and after deployment.

All Ready Reserve members must refresh their knowledge during pre-season preparedness from October to November.

On this page:

Human and Social Recovery Training and Capability Development Framework

The training framework has been designed to ensure you are prepared for activation, by completing mandatory training to obtain the knowledge and skills to undertake your assigned roles during a community recovery deployment. This training includes:

  • virtual training via MS teams for State and District Recovery Event Management Teams
  • self-paced online courses organised into four categories
  • refresher training, and
  • coaching during an event activation.

Training requirements for event season

The Training Matrix guides learning pathways for each group identified in the Ready Reserve workforce. View the documents below for information about the Training Matrix and what you need to know to prepare for the current event season.

Training for capability

The Training Matrix outlines the training to be undertaken by all Community Recovery stakeholders to support the effective performance of an assigned role:

  1. Core Skills
    Completing the Core Skills training course program is considered mandatory for all levels of the Ready Reserve workforce and is a pre-requisite requirement to attending face-to-face training sessions.
  2. Role Specific
  3. Leadership and Management
  4. Exercise Management and Development


Ready Reserve Induction

This is the first step in your training journey.

The following videos are part of your induction program. Watch them to learn about the operational structures that are activated for an event, the role of each functional team and the activities that underpin disaster management in Queensland.

Core Skills M1 and M2

The mandatory Core Skills training program has been divided into M1 and M2 categories to ensure that learning is prioritised, and base level competency is achieved. This is important for working confidently in a community recovery environment.

Core Skills M1

  • Queensland Human Rights Act
  • Introduction to Community Recovery
  • Communicating in Recovery
  • Human and Social Recovery Grants
  • Psychological First Aid
  • Self-care in Community Recovery

Core Skills M2

  • Operationalising Human and Social Recovery
  • Communities in Disaster
  • Deployment – a call to action
  • Delivering Outreach Services

Optional / Desirable

  • Disaster Management in Queensland (video)
  • National Principles for Disaster Recovery
  • COVID- safe work practices

All Ready Reserve members have access to the entire training program above and are encouraged to build knowledge, skills and capability by completing the courses specified as ‘Desirable’ in the Training Matrix.

Role specific

Role Specific training courses have been developed for the different functions of the District Recovery Event Management Team (DREMT) and State Recovery Event Management Team (SREMT). Training pathways have been developed for all staff with a designated recovery role in the Ready Reserve workforce and these are detailed in the Training Matrix

Core Skills M1 and M2 training for District and State Recovery Event Management Team members

Completion of courses will depend on the functional area role you are assigned to or have an interest in. These include:

  • Command, control, coordination
  • Establishing service delivery models
  • Leadership, management, supervision
  • Managing the Ready Reserve
  • Managing Deployment
  • Managing Logistics
  • Managing Communications
  • Managing Business Services
  • Administration of Income Tested Grants
  • Administration of Hardship Assistance Grants
  • Planning, Intelligence and Reporting


  • Functional Recovery Groups


  • Check the Training Matrix for courses designated as ‘Desirable’ for this training group.

Leadership and Management

The Training Matrix identifies the learning pathway for the department’s Senior Executive Leadership, Senior Officers and Managers, and Senior Leaders assuming Recovery Event Coordinator or Controller roles. This group is required to complete Mandatory and Desirable courses.

Exercise Management and Development

This training is for State and District Recovery Event Management Teams (SREMT and DREMT) and government and non-government organisations.

  • Exercise Management
  • Communities of Practice
  • Community Recovery Partnerships
  • Functional Recovery Groups

Accessing online courses

Ready Reserve members can access the online learning program by logging onto their agency’s unique link, from:

Departments and agencies not listed above should use the Community Recovery Ready Reserve Training.

All enquiries should be directed to the iLearn support team at the iLearn Support Hub.

Community Recovery Grant Systems training

The department offers personal financial assistance to applicants who are affected by a natural disaster event and meet the eligibility criteria. Applicants use the online Community Recovery Grants Portal to apply for a grant.

Ready Reserve members may be expected to use the Community Recovery Grants Portal during their deployment to assist a community member in applying for a grant. They may also be required to use Community Recovery Assist (CR Assist), the department's client relationship management tool. It is used to manage the relationship between the business and their customers. CR Assist is activated during an event to process grant applications submitted via the Community Recovery Grants Portal.

Information on the Community Recovery Grants Portal and CR Assist is delivered online between September and November to ensure Ready Reserves have the skills and knowledge to assist community members with grant applications. Community Recovery Trainers deployed during an event may also provide training and support in the use of these systems.

Refresher training, briefing and debriefing, and on-the-job coaching

In addition to completing the above Core Skills online training courses, Community Recovery Trainers are deployed during an event activation to provide Orientation Briefings Exit Debriefings, refresher training, and on-the-job coaching and advice to support the Ready Reserve workforce.

Refresher training is also delivered annually to District Recovery Event Management Teams annually between September and November by Community Recovery using MS Teams.

Quick Reference Guides for different functions may be available during an event to assist with on-the-job training for Ready Reserves. These will be provided during an event via the Community Recovery SharePoint.

Corporate training

The following courses offer important information and may enhance your understanding of community recovery service delivery to vulnerable people. Access to these courses is through iLearn and completion is optional.

SUPPORT: Recognise, Respond, Refer: Domestic violence and the workplace

This course covers both understanding domestic violence, and the impacts of domestic violence, as well as how to respond to staff and clients who may be impacted by domestic violence. Although, this module is not directly related to Community Recovery, it is advised that recovery workers complete it, as some aspects may be relevant.

View more about this course.

Starting the journey

This course is the department’s foundational Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability training. It provides insight into interpreting your own culture as well as the lived experiences for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Queensland. Although this module is not directly related to Community Recovery, it is advised that recovery workers complete it, as some aspects may be relevant.

View more about this course.

SBS Cultural Atlas

The Cultural Atlas is an interactive educational resource providing comprehensive cultural information of the countries from which Australia’s biggest migrant populations have originated. The Cultural Atlas is a free resource available at:

Disability Awareness Program

By completing this module you will gain an overall introductory view of the disability sector and an understanding that inclusion is within everyone’s ability.

View more about this course.

Other agency resources

To continue your learning journey, the Ready Reserve learning platform contains additional training opportunities and resources, including:

  • Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience Knowledge Hub—a national, open-source platform that supports and informs policy, planning, decision making and contemporary good practice in disaster resilience
  • Disaster Ready—an international online learning library that covers core topics such as Humanitarianism, Program/Operations, Protection, Staff Welfare, Management and Leadership, Staff Safety and Security, and Soft Skills development.
  • Get Ready - Queensland Reconstruction Authority
    The Get Ready Queensland program is a year round, all hazards, resilience building initiative coordinated by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) to help communities prepare for natural disasters. QRA is the State’s lead agency responsible for disaster recovery and resilience policy. QRA leads initiatives that help deliver on our strategic objective of making Queensland the most disaster resilient state in Australia. These activities assist government, businesses and the wider community mitigate risks and prepare for disasters.
  • Volunteering Queensland—the lead voice for volunteering in Queensland supporting this essential industry to thrive.
  • Australian Red Cross
    Red Cross mobilises the power of humanity to bring people and communities together in times of need and builds on community strengths to achieve the following outcomes.
  • Qld Disaster Management Training Framework
    The Queensland Fire and Emergency Services hosts the Disaster Management Learning Management System—a web-based learning and student management system that supports training delivered under the Queensland Disaster Management Training Framework.
