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Manage a senior executive recruitment process

Find out how to manage a senior executive recruitment and selection process.

Refer to your agency's strategic workforce plan. Ensure your role fills a critical gap and helps deliver your short-term and long-term objectives.

Determine if your role will be:

  • an ongoing senior executive service (SES) vacancy under Chapter 5, Part 3 of the Public Sector Act 2022 (the Act)
  • a contract for a fixed term under Section 155 of the Act.

Use fixed term contracts to attract or retain senior executives with critical skills you need for a set time to complete an identified project or objective.

Establish or review a role’s classification level

If your role is new, or an existing role with significantly changed work responsibilities, complete a role evaluation to determine the work value and applicable classification level.

See the Reviewing executive level roles (PDF, 183.7 KB) for some common factors that generally constitute a significant change to a role.

For senior executive role classifications between SES2 Low and SES4 Low use either Corporate Administration Agency (CAA) or Mercer Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd.

For senior executive roles classified SES4 High, use Mercer.


You must get Public Sector Governance Council (PSGC) approval for changes to:

  • the number of SES roles in your entity
  • SES classification levels within your entity.

See Section 249 of the Public Sector Act 2022.

Submit your changes to the Public Sector Commissioner (the Commissioner) via the Executive Leadership Information System (ELIS). Email for help.

Providing the Commissioner approves your request, your proposal will be submitted to the PSGC for consideration.

See the SES profile management guideline for more.

You must advertise any vacant SES role or fixed term contract under section 155 (remunerated equivalent to an SES classification) if it’s for more than 6 months duration. See the Recruitment and selection directive.

You do not need to advertise the vacancy if it’s for less than 6 months, or if you intend to fill the vacancy through transfer, redeployment, or secondment at or below level for public service employees, or mobility arrangement for public sector employees.

Prior to filling a vacant senior executive role for a period of more than 6 months, you must consult with the Public Sector Commission (PSC) about the proposed recruitment and selection strategy via ELIS. The PSC will advise whether there are any concerns regarding the strategy. Email for help.

If your chief executive (CE) will be a member of the selection panel for an SES vacancy, the Conflict of interests in recruitment and selection form (PDF, 1.3 MB) must be completed and submitted via ELIS to the Commissioner, along with the list of applicants prior to the recruitment and selection process being undertaken. The Commissioner will determine whether a conflict of interest exists and if they are satisfied with the proposed strategies. For help with conflicts of interest, see Do I need to disclose and manage a conflict of interest?

For help creating a job ad, see Create a job advertisement.

Your selection panel for senior executive vacancies:

  • must include one member from outside the Ministerial portfolio
  • should not include a representative from a recruitment agency (potential for actual or perceived conflicts of interest).

Your decision maker should generally not be a member of the selection panel.

See Shortlist applicants for more on how to avoid unconscious biases, identifying, managing and disclosing conflicts of interest and identifying the eligible applicant best suited for the role.

SES role

Read the Senior executive service (SES) employment arrangements guideline to find out how to employ a senior executive. The process differs based on whether you’re:

  • employing an officer by promotion, at level or external to fill an advertised or non-advertised vacancy
  • employing an officer at level or redeployment to a non-advertised vacancy from a fixed term contract
  • employing an officer by transfer or redeployment, secondment or mobility arrangement to fill an advertised or non-advertised vacancy.

Employing an officer in an SES role

The chief executive (CE) of a public service entity may, on behalf of the State, employ a senior executive in the public service entity.

A contract under Section 190 of the Public Sector Act 2022 should be used to engage an officer in an SES role which has been approved by the PSGC.

Enter these details into the ELIS. Only submit documents required as outlined in the Senior executive service (SES) employment arrangements guideline to the Commissioner via the ELIS if an exemption is being sought.

See the Senior executive service - employment conditions Directive 09/23 for employment conditions including pay for SES vacancies.

Contract of employment

Complete a Contract of employment for senior executive service officer (PDF, 1.6 MB) once the CE or the Commissioner approves your nominated applicant. The contract can be for a period of not more than 5 years. See Section 191 of the Public Sector Act 2022.

Fixed term role

Read the Fixed term contracts of employment – executive employees Directive 11/23 to find out how to employ a senior executive on a contract for a fixed term. Fixed term roles are generally used to attract or retain senior executives with critical skills for a set time to complete an identified project or objective and have temporary funding.

Employing an officer on a contract for a fixed term

Your CE may employ an officer on a fixed term contract.

A contract under Section 155 of the Public Sector Act 2022 should be used to engage an officer in a fixed term role which has been approved by the Commissioner.

Enter these details in the ELIS. Only submit documents to the Commissioner via ELIS if arrangements outside the provisions of Directive 11/23 are being sought.

A fixed term contract with reversionary rights should only be offered to public service officers employed on a permanent basis. The fixed term contract without reversionary rights should be used for all other employments.

Contract of employment

Complete the fixed term contract that matches the officer’s current employment status:

Gazette notice

You must publish all senior executive employments from an advertised vacancy, within 1 month of the decision. See the Recruitment and selection directive.

Upload a copy of the Gazette notice to the ELIS along with the signed contract.

Reporting on contracts

You must report all SES contracts and all fixed term contracts with a remuneration of SES2 or above to the Commissioner via the ELIS.

Email if you need help.

SES role

Your CE can employ a senior executive on a Section 190 contract of up to, but not more than, 5 years.

An extension of employment may happen as occasion requires. If a senior executive's employment continues to the end of their contract, a further contract may be entered into. An extension of the senior executive’s contract cannot be more than 5 years.

Under the repealed Public Service Act 2008, reappointments of senior executives under that Act are required to be published. The Public Sector Act 2022 does not have this requirement.

Fixed term role

Your CE can employ a senior executive on a Section 155 contract of up to, but not more than, 5 years.

If a senior executive's employment continues to the end of their contract, a further contract may be entered into provided the cumulative term of all contracts does not exceed 5 years.