Sector by workforces, earnings and executive numbers

Education workforce

The numbers of both corporate and frontline staff in both Brisbane and the rest of the state have steadily increased.


Employment type

Permanent employment has steadily increased over the past five years in the education workforce, while proportions of temporary staff have steadily decreased. Employment status has remained relatively stable over the past five years.

Appointment type

Education workforce appointment type FTE: March 2020–March 2024
Appointment type Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Permanent 61,975.78 64,083.67 65,837.78 67,251.83 69,837.97
Temporary 12,965.68 11,673.67 10,705.84 9,923.29 7,709.86
Contract 210.32 210.76 212.98 228.01 178.50
Casual 2,995.13 3,064.37 2,687.75 2,752.29 2,942.75

Source: MOHRI 2020–2024

Employment status

Education workforce employment status headcount: March 2020–March 2024
Employment status Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Full-Time 53,855 54,227 55,082 55,471 55,821
Part-Time 36,340 36,717 36,803 37,549 36,888
Casual 8,297 8,403 7,051 7,725 8,023

Source: MOHRI 2020–2024.

Health workforce

While numbers of corporate staff in the health workforce have increased steadily, numbers of frontline staff in both Brisbane and across the state have increased notably, particularly in areas outside of Brisbane.


Employment type

Numbers of permanent staff have increased steadily in the health workforce, with a proportional decrease in 2022, as temporary numbers increased. This is likely in response to the pandemic. Employment status has remained relatively stable over the past five years.

Appointment type

Health workforce appointment type FTE: March 2020–March 2024
Appointment type Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Permanent 71,108.10 73,271.43 75,180.80 77,794.62 83,500.82
Temporary 18,545.88 18,316.91 20,561.06 19,422.28 20,346.24
Contract 423.01 427.11 414.95 448.49 474.12
Casual 2,760.33 2,791.23 3,325.87 3,371.89 3,262.40

Source: MOHRI 2020–2024.

Employment status

Health workforce employment status headcount: March 2020–March 2024
Employment status Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Full-Time 6,1894 6,1942 6,3246 6,3527 6,7474
Part-Time 43,180 46,033 49,977 51,673 55,641
Casual 5,941 6,024 6,985 7,343 7,416

Source: MOHRI 2020–2024.

Rest of sector

Frontline staff, in departments other than health and education, have steadily increased. Most employees are permanently employed and these numbers have increased over five years. Employment status has remained stable over the past five years, with most employees engaged in full-time work.


Employment type

Appointment type

Rest of sector appointment type FTE: March 2020–March 2024
Appointment type Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Permanent 53,327.87 55,323.53 56,288.78 57,416.22 60,693.63
Temporary 6,058.41 4,109.99 4,451.30 5,329.40 6,336.29
Contract 1,095.90 1,078.07 1,111.56 1,225.52 1,580.41
Casual 1,087.43 1,096.98 990.20 1,145.65 1,149.14

Source: MOHRI 2020–2024.

Employment status

Rest of sector employment status headcount: March 2020–March 2024
Employment status in the Rest of the sector by headcount Mar 20 Mar 21 Mar 22 Mar 23 Mar 24
Full-time 56,535 56,431 57,872 60,054 64,439
Part-time 6,925 6,935 6,956 6,898 7,179
Casual 5,215 5,040 4,803 5,049 5,152

Source: MOHRI 2020–2024.

Workforce earnings

The total FTE numbers of Queensland public sector employees that earn between $100,000 and $179,999 has increased in the past five years.

In March 2024, the proportion of employees in the earning bracket of $50,000 to $99,999 has decreased by about 10% compared to March 2020.

Number of FTE by earning bracket: March 2020–March 2024
Earning bracket Mar 2020 Mar 2021 Mar 2022 Mar 2023 Mar 2024
Up to $49,999 28,060.05 26,567.33 4,050.70 23,168.83 18,763.73
$50,000 to $99,999 132,825.27 131,305.98 124,911.75 119,188.11 121,725.06
$100,000 to $119,999 42,580.06 45,187.88 49,063.73 53,706.94 54,958.09
$120,000 to $149,999 22,945.70 25,716.99 34,353.16 39,109.26 45,813.49
$150,000 to $179,999 2,818.08 3,129.94 5,389.48 6,683.09 11,090.93
above $180,000 3,324.68 3,539.60 4,000.05 4,453.26 5,660.83
Whole of sector total232,553.84235,447.72241,768.87246,309.49258,012.13

Source: MOHRI 2020–2024.

Executive numbers

The MOHRI data set captures information on classification level. This includes people in leadership and executive roles including senior officers, senior executives and chief executives. The MOHRI data file also captures data on people employed under section 155 of the Act.

The proportion of senior officers, senior executives and chief executives in classified roles, and those employed under section 155 of the Public Sector Act 2022 (previously section 122 of Public Service Act 2008) in the Queensland public sector has been increasing.