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Restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) platform DeepSeek on government provided devices are now in place.

Public service Code of Conduct

Read the Queensland Government’s Code of Conduct (PDF, 161.9 KB) . Alternatively, visit the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ Code of Conduct page to listen to an audio version.

The Code of Conduct describes how government employees should conduct themselves while delivering services to the Queensland community. This includes when performing official work duties, representing the government at events or on business trips, and attending work-related social events.

The Code of Conduct applies to employees of Queensland Government agencies. For the purposes of the Code of Conduct, agencies are:

  • departments
  • TAFE institutes or statutory TAFE institutes
  • administrative offices of a court or tribunal
  • entities prescribed by regulation.

You must abide by the Code of Conduct if you’re a permanent, temporary, full-time, part-time or casual employee; or a volunteer, student, contractor or consultant working for a Queensland Government agency.

The Code of Conduct is underpinned by 4 ethics principles. The Public Sector Ethics Act 1994 affirms these principles are fundamental to good public administration.

The principles are:

The Code of Conduct provides standards of conduct for each principle. Queensland Government employees are expected to adhere to these standards while serving the Queensland community.

You are also expected to comply with the relevant legislation, awards and agreements, and whole-of-government directives, policies, circulars, and guidelines.

See also your agency’s intranet. You may have a Standards of practice guide that supports the Code of Conduct, and additional policies and values you need to follow.

Queensland Government employees are responsible for always adhering to the standards of conduct as outlined in the Code of Conduct.

You are also responsible for reporting any concerns you have about others not adhering to the standards. If you have any concerns, provide feedback to your supervisor. They’ll review the matter and determine if the conduct conflicts with the standards.


Managers are responsible for adhering to the standards of conduct as outlined in the Code of Conduct.

You must also ensure your employees:

  • understand and adhere to the Code of Conduct
  • understand the relevant legislation,   delegations and policies
  • receive the appropriate training and development   to perform their duties.

Chief executives and senior executives

Chief executives and senior executives are responsible for adhering to the standards of conduct as outlined in the Code of Conduct.

You must also:

  • promote an organisational culture that values   high ethical standards and behaviour
  • demonstrate a commitment to ethics by   communicating the importance of ethical decision-making in the workplace and   promoting ethical behaviour in day-to-day actions
  • ensure your employees have access to training in how to use the Code and in ethical decision-making.