Declaration of Interests - Senior Executives and Equivalent Employees
This policy is to continue to apply to Senior Executive Service employees and public sector employees paid remuneration equivalent to a senior executive service level or above, including statutory office holders employed under any Act in a public sector entity as defined in section 8 of the Public Sector Act 2022.
This policy should be read with necessary changes as the Public Service Act 2008 has been replaced with the Public Sector Act 2022 and provisions of the Integrity Act 2009 have changed. While this policy should continue to be adhered to, the requirement to provide declarations of interests to the Integrity Commissioner no longer applies.
Please review the policy document for application, effective date and policy principles, etc.
Download the policy
Declaration of Interests - Senior Executives and Equivalent Employees (PDF File, 269.7 KB)
Declaration of Interests - Senior Executives and Equivalent Employees (MS Word Document, 130.7 KB)
Related information
- Directive 05/24: Declaration of interests – Chief Executives of departments
- Directive 03/24: Declaration of interests – public sector employees excluding chief executives
- Chief and Senior Executive: employment
- Chief and Senior Executive: performance
Related documents
access-to-declarations-of-interest.doc (MS Word Document, 1.3 MB)