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SES - Transition Update August 2023

SES transition to QPS

As you know, we are working towards transitioning SES to QPS no later than 1 July 2024.

Where can you find information about the transition?

As you can appreciate work of this nature is complex and we want to ensure we provide information to you about what is happening with the transition. If you are wanting more information we encourage you to visit our ForGov website by clicking here. Information, news, and events is on the ForGov site, it is your one stop shop for information about the transition.

Speaking of events, if you missed our recent SES Townhall Engagement session which was conducted on Tuesday 25 July 2023 at Kedron. The session had an in-person audience and was livestreamed and a recording is now available. Facilitated by the Business Reform Coordinator Stephen Dabinett from the Reform Implementation Taskforce and Acting Assistant Commissioner Brian Cox from the State Emergency Service. An update on our transition was provided and your questions answered during the Q&A component. You can watch the recording by clicking here.

In August we are planning on hosting Training Townhalls. The purpose of these Townhalls is to seek your feedback on training, so we can define our future training approach, as part of transitioning SES to QPS. You can find details about these events on the ForGov website by clicking here.

Change Champions onboarded and ready to deploy!

Throughout July, the SES Transition Project Team have been travelling to each Region to stand up the Change Network.  This involved introducing the Change Champions to their roles and responsibilities to ensure strong local change support throughout the transition process. Your local change champion is there to support your leader with messaging/information flow about the transition of SES to QPS. A list of the SES change champions will be made available as soon as all change champions have been on-boarded in August.

Change Impacts

Work is underway to start to understand the potential systems impacts on SES staff resulting from Transition to QPS. In short this means knowing who will potentially be affected by corporate type systems and how may best be able to provide training/support to enable SES to utilise these. It is important to note that no operational systems are changing at this stage.

Transition Feedback (RIT)

How do you provide us feedback? Quite simply by using the contact form. Your inquiry will be reviewed, and we will endeavour to respond with an answer in a reasonable timeframe. There is several exciting activities and opportunities planned as we move forward, and we encourage you to become involved and follow this exciting time in the services history.