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SES - Transition Update April 2023

Work is continuing as part of preparing to transition to QPS. Transition planning has started with key stakeholders on various partnering and delivery options. It is important to note that these discussions are part of our preparation, and that no final decision has been made on the operating model we adopt.

The planning discussions with stakeholders is intended to shape how the service will operate into the future – our operating model. The priority for designing the operating model is to ensure that it has a volunteer focus and is fit for purpose. The model is being developed from the one shared in the regional roadshows. Whilst the operating model is being shaped, a comprehensive plan is being developed which will support a phased implementation to QPS. The full transition is expected, at this stage, to be completed by July 2024.

As you can appreciate, transitioning SES to QPS is complex work and will take time. The planning team does appreciate that this may cause some anxiety and uncertainty and it is the intention to have the transitional planning completed as quickly as possible.

If you feel you aren’t coping or need support during these uncertain times, please speak to your leader, or contact the Fire and Emergency Services Support Network by calling 1800 805 980 anytime.

Please rest assured, that as things are known, there will be opportunity to answer questions and provide clarity on how the new SES Service will operate.

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