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SES - PSO Network and Chaplaincy Services Townhall

Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Date: Thursday 2 November 2023

Place: Online via Microsoft Teams. The session will  be recorded for those unable to join online and will be made available here in ForGov after the event.



The purpose of the Townhall is to seek your feedback about how we establish the Peer Support Network and continue Chaplaincy Services, as part of our transition to QPS in 2024.

What will be covered during the Townhall?

  • An overview of the QPS and QFES Peer Support Network models and Chaplaincy Services will be covered
  • Provide an opportunity for members to reflect and discuss the similarities and differences
  • Provide an opportunity for members to discuss what the new network and services should look like

How do I engage during or after the session? 

You can engage during the session in the usual way with raising your hand, the presenters will acknowledge you where you can ask questions or provide feedback. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking during the session, you can use the Chat Feature of Teams. We may not have a chance to get to everyone during the session.

Rest assured all feedback submitted online will be considered as we define our future Peer Support Network. You can also provide feedback after the event as the Townhall will be recorded and made available for viewing. Your feedback can be submitted by clicking here.

What happens after the Townhall?

Your feedback will help inform the Peer Support Network for SES, as part of our transition to QPS. Updates will be provided in the usual ways, through the SES Newsletter and upcoming Townhall meetings. Your local Change Champion will also provide updates as the model evolves and progresses.


Your feedback is important and will inform our future support services.