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Welcome to our December Newsletter!

Many happy returns, as we share with you this festive season our final newsletter for 2023!

When we reflect on all that has collectively been achieved this year, it has been a colossal effort from everyone involved in delivering our Disaster and Emergency Management Reforms.

From the Business Reform Coordinators (BRCs) through to the Change Champions, all  having dedicated their time and incredible efforts to ensuring our transitions are successful.


As 2023 winds up, things are ramping up at the Reform Implementation Taskforce (RIT). Let us kick things off with some exciting news. The Queensland Police Service (QPS) is currently recruiting and finalising 80 positions which will make up the Emergency Management and Coordination Command (EMCC).

In addition, the QPS has completed the allocation of 80 corporate positions which will support the EMCC, State Emergency Service (SES) and Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ). We look forward to sharing more detailed information about these allocations in the new year and how they will support Disaster and Emergency Management.

Here is a snapshot of the year that has been and some of the faces that support our crews…



It has been another huge and exciting month for the RIT as we are now only a few days from Christmas and then a few more from a New Year. Assistant Commissioner Marcus Hill has provided an update on what has happened since our last broadcast, what is ahead in 2024, along with a short Christmas message acknowledging the commitment and contribution of all involved in the reforms.


Disaster Management (DM)

DM has undergone significant change. A 14-day sprint in June resulted in the decision to transition staff and relevant functions from QFES to the QPS ahead of the current disaster season.

It was a moment for us all to be proud of seeing staff within the DM sector successfully being transitioned, all at a heightened time for bushfires. It just goes to show the sheer will and tenacity demonstrated by those invested in the reforms and who appreciate the positive change they will bring to our emergency services across the board.

The transition of 49 DM specialists successfully went ahead on 30 October 2023. Transitioning staff were equipped to rapidly respond to and assist with operational requirements relating to bushfires that spread throughout the state. As this event slowed down, less than a month later, the team returned to activation mode to respond to Tropical Cyclone Jasper in Far North Queensland.


To accommodate the transition of DM, QPS established the EMCC which is comprised of three areas;
  • Disaster Operations
  • Capability, Development and Assurance, and;
  • Strategic Directorate.
The EMCC is expected to be fully established by 30 June 2024. Key mechanisms are in place between QPS, QFES and QRA to ensure there is no degradation of service to communities.

Marine Rescue Implementation Program (MRIP)

A new Queensland Government funded marine rescue vessel in Thursday Island has been deployed for its first lot of rescues since arriving in the Torres Strait last month.

In recent weeks, two broken-down vessels, with four people on board, were rescued by Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR) Thursday Island and returned safely to Thursday Island, with the new vessel covering around 25 nautical miles. Volunteer Marine Rescue St Paul’s also responded to the search and rescue request, highlighting the enhanced cooperation and capability in the Torres Strait.

Later within the same week another broken-down vessel with two people on board was towed safely back to Thursday Island.


Activity on the water is an essential lifeline to communities in the Torres Strait, where there is some of the highest search and rescue activity in Queensland.

Thursday Island’s new 12 metre rigid hard collar rescue vessel is the first new volunteer search and rescue vessel to be built and delivered as part of the Queensland Government’s vessel replacement program.

The new vessel at Thursday Island has provided enhanced capability in the region, with longer endurance and enhanced technical capability to service the Torres Strait and protect lives at sea.

The next two vessels in the vessel replacement program have recently completed their sea trials. The first vessel has been delivered to site. The second is a contingency vessel which will provide support when a marine rescue unit’s primary vessel is out-of-action. A contingency fleet for Queensland’s marine rescue service is a significant capability uplift.


The Marine Rescue Implementation Program (MRIP) crew is excited to announce the future Marine Rescue Queensland regions.

These regions will look familiar, as they have been configured to establish Queensland Water Police Service Marine Search and Rescue (SAR) boundaries.

Every region will be supported by a dedicated Regional Coordinator and Regional Training Coordinator, alongside other support functions like human resources and health, safety & wellbeing.


Last week, MRIP held two sessions with 60 marine rescue unit leaders from both the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association and Volunteer Marine Rescue Association Queensland.

These sessions provided volunteers with an update on the Marine Rescue Queensland Bill 2023, including some of the key themes arising from the consultation stage.

State Emergency Service (SES)

As we get stuck into the festive season, it is a time of reflection on the year gone by and to plan for what we want to achieve in the new year. Business Reform Coordinator Stephen Dabinett and SES Acting Assistant Commissioner Brian Cox came together to record a video on their reflections. Check it out!

This month a decision was made for SES to have complete control of training development and delivery with QPS holding audit and compliance of the registered training system.

We also established the training sub-working group which consists of representatives from QPS, SES and QFES School. The purpose of this sub-working group is to support the implementation of the Machinery of Government (MoG) changes in relation to transitioning training. The group will ensure training materials and resources are transitioned in a coordinated way, support the implementation of a minimum viable version of aXcelerate and work to establish the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in time for transition.

In the future, we will be recruiting for roles to help optimise our training approach. These additional roles will support optimising of training, once transitioned, based on volunteer and staff feedback from the Training Townhalls we had earlier in the year.


SES Change Champion Raylene Baulch captured this moment in the Central Region of Mr Jingles taking some time out to catch up on the recent SES Question Time video series.

Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA)

Are your families and loved ones ready as the disaster season sets in?

QRA has shared some vital preparedness messages to help everyone be prepared.

Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) has had an eventful month, in the lead up to Tropical Cyclone Jasper crossing the Far North Queensland coastline.

QRA’s disaster management team were also stood up and continue to support recovery and requirements from the State Disaster Coordination Centre (SDCC) and local councils.

The Get Ready Queensland (GRQ) team promoted disaster messaging to the predicted cyclone impacted zone and Acting Manager, Sally Mills Murray was on the communications trail delivering vital preparedness information to communities.

Most recently, Sally met with ABC News Queensland’s Jessica Van Vonderon to film a news segment to discuss the importance of making a household severe weather emergency plan and what to pack in an emergency kit in the lead up to a serious weather event.

View the ABC news story.

QRA December Image

A successful social media campaign was rolled out in the lead up to December focussing on weather updates, warning systems, local council contacts, tips to prepare the home, garden and vehicle as well as the essential items to pack in an emergency kit.

Get Ready Queensland was proud to launch a new partnership with the RSPCA in December with the first Pet Ready Month.

Pet Ready Month focussed on providing Queenslanders with tips, information, and resources on how to keep pets and wildlife safe in severe weather. The GRQ team and the RSPCA created a social media campaign which also saw the launch of a Pet Severe Weather Emergency Plan.

The Pet Severe Emergency Weather plan was co-designed with the RSPCA and intended to be used alongside current Household Severe Weather Emergency Plans. Informed by RSPCA expertise, it provides an emergency plan template, key messages, and an emergency kit checklist for pets.

You can find the emergency plan and learn more about Pet Ready Month on the Get Ready Queensland website.


Queensland motorists continue to be reminded of the dangers of driving in severe weather in the latest instalment of the long running If it’s flooded, forget it (IIFFI) campaign.

The campaign was transitioned to QRA’s Get Ready Queensland program as part of the IGEM review of Queensland’s disaster management arrangements.

The GRQ team engaged with key subject matter experts within QRA, TMR, QPS and QFES, who assisted to get the extensive campaign off the ground.

While the official campaign launched on 1 December, IIFFI flood safety messaging was on air in the weeks before as heavy rain began falling across parts of Queensland, with the full campaign ramping up in the North as Cyclone Jasper headed for the coast.

In addition, Get Ready Queensland developed radio advertising specifically aimed at promoting flood and cyclone safety in first nations communities. 

The official IFFI campaign this year focuses on key vehicle safety issues that arise when entering floodwaters, urging motorists not to risk it in wet weather.

The GRQ team filmed the road safety message in November and many thanks to the School of Fire and Emergency Services Training centre at Lytton for assisting with the production.

Your car can’t protect you will be aired from December 2023 until the end of March 2024 on television, social media, radio, online, and outdoor advertising.

View the If it’s flooded, forget it TVC.

QRA CEO Major General Jake Ellwood (Retd) wears several hats. Not only does he head up Australia’s longest-established recovery and resilience organisation - QRA, he’s also the chairman and co-founder of Run Army Australia.

Run Army’s flagship annual event is a 5 km or 10 km fun run held on the Anzac Day weekend, with funds raised going to support families of Australian service personnel.

Run Army 2024 is joining forces with QPS, QAS, and QFES, backed by RSL Queensland, to say thanks and show support for our armed forces and first responders.

Participants will be able to choose which of the four organisations they want to support when registering.

Registrations are open now for Run Army 2024 at

Queensland Fire Department (QFD)

Reform work has continued throughout December towards implementation of the new Queensland Fire Department (QFD) in 2024.

Consultation and engagement with staff and external stakeholders on the QFD high-level design will be largely finalised by Christmas with opportunities for engagement in flood affected areas extended into the New Year.

Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) engagement has focussed on the FRS hierarchy of regions, divisions, zones and area commands including service coverage and spans of control.  Feedback has been gathered on area command types, including the new Auxiliary Group Captain proposal, and more flexible training options aligned to a 24/7 organisation.  Proposed state office structures have also been discussed in greater detail.

The Rural Fire Service (RFS) has continued engagement alongside work on the RFS concept of operations, mapping new processes and workflows, developing a draft governance framework and finalising infrastructure requirements. Foundations are also in place ahead of recruitment to many new roles in early 2024.

Across QFES, attention has also been on building a new internal operational model that enables interoperability and supports effective incident management, including impact assessment to inform new state operations arrangements and importantly, developing a deeper understanding of QFD’s changing role in disaster management.  Work on corporate support to the operational services has also continued including establishment of the regional corporate hub model.

Looking forward into January it is expected that we will be moving firmly into the implementation phase with elements of the new QFD delivered in stages throughout 2024.

A Townhall for the soon-to-be QFD was held at the Kedron Auditorium on 30 November. The recording can be viewed below.


Recently we shared with you the news of three new bills that have gone to Parliament aimed at strengthening Queensland's disaster and emergency services. They are:

  • Emergency Services Reform Amendment Bill 2023,
  • Marine Rescue Queensland Bill 2023, and
  • State Emergency Service Bill 2023.

These Bills are part of our aim to enhance Queensland's ability to respond to natural disasters and keep residents safe.

You are welcome to have your say on the bills by providing a written submission.

The closing date for lodging a written submission is Wednesday 31 January 2024.


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