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RIT - Fortnightly Newsletter April 2024

Disaster and Emergency Management Reforms

Fortnightly update | 22 April 2024

Welcome to the first fortnightly RIT Newsletter update to inform you of Program milestones.

You are invited to share this newsletter with a colleague who may not be aware of the activities underway.

We are committed to a measured, consistent, and cohesive implementation to improve disaster and emergency management services across Queensland

A word from AC Hill

"The Reform Implementation Taskforce is committed to the transition of the State Emergency Service to the Queensland Police Service and creation of Marine Rescue Queensland commencing post Proclamation (proposed 3rd June 2024).

We understand there are many complexities and concerns in a transition of this size and complexity, however we are committed to keeping you informed, working to overcome any issues and hope that you look forward to a future within the organisation to the benefit of all Queenslanders.”

RIT Program focus for the coming weeks

Legislation 1 (Second reading) 30 April, Queensland Emergency Services Reform Bill 2023 – Transition of State Emergency Service (SES), changes to Police Service Administration Act (PSAA) and creation of Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ).

Legislation 2 (Second reading) 30 April, Disaster Management and Other Legislation Reform Bill 2024 – Creation of Queensland Fire Department (QFD), amendments to Disaster Management Act (DMA) and Queensland Reconstruction Authority Act (QRAA).

To keep you updated, here is the latest list of decisions that have been approved for closure:

RIT-11 - RIT advice to Premier and Cabinet Budget Review Committee (CBRC) on funding shortfalls, capital and communications costs, grants and disaster management arrangements. The 2024-25 budgets for the SES, Queensland Police Service (QPS) Disaster Management (DM) and Corporate Support, MRQ, Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES), Rural Fire Service (RFS) and Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) has been assessed and where needed, additional funding requests have been submitted to the CBRC.

RIT-13 - Indicative Allocations: SES - This provides approval for 159 positions (114 existing and 45 new positions) and up to $60M in recurrent funding for the SES. The Premier has approved the submissions for the positions and the budget for 2024-25 ongoing. With the Premiers approval and the new positions created, the key deliverables have been met with ongoing actions being carried out by the SES.

RIT-14 - Indicative Allocations: QPS DM - This provides the QPS with 80 positions and up to $20M in recurrent funding to establish the new Emergency Management and Coordination Command (EMCC). The Premier has approved the submissions for the positions and the budget for 2024-25 ongoing. With the Premiers approval and the positions created, the key deliverables have been met with ongoing actions being carried out by the EMCC.

RIT-15 - Indicative Allocations: MRQ - This deliverable provides MRQ with 35 positions and up to $27M in recurrent funding. The Premier has approved the submissions for the positions and the budget for MRQ for 2024-25 and with that approval, the key deliverables have been met. The positions will be created once MRQ is established on 3 June 2024.

RIT-17 - Indicative Allocations:  QPS Corporate Support - This provides the Corporate Support elements of the QPS with 80 positions and up to $10M in recurrent funding to uplift support capabilities in preparation for the SES and MRQ being established under the QPS. The Premier has approved the submissions for the positions and the budget for 2024-25 ongoing. With the Premiers approval and the positions created, the key deliverables have been met with ongoing actions being carried out by the QPS.

RIT-21 - Position Allocations: RFS - This provides a reallocation of 114 positions to the RFS. These position slots became available due to the SES move to the QPS. The positions have been created with the approval of the Commissioner, QFES, meeting the key deliverable  with ongoing recruitment to be carried out by the RFS.

A recap of closed RITS

RIT-07 - Transition of Service Level Agreements (Surf Lifesaving Queensland (SLSQ), Royal Lifesaving Society Queensland (RLSSQ), and Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) Emergency Services Cadets).

RIT-08 - Establishment of a Reform Implementation Taskforce (RIT) up to 30 temporary positions.

Implement the Government response and the required legislative and machinery of government (MoG) changes and corresponding increase in the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) cap.

RIT-09 - Review of the Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements (QDMA) by the Inspector-General of Emergency Management (IGEM) - Fulfilled a commitment made to the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ).

RIT-12 - Establish immediately 45 SES positions, where long term need is known, from the 490 FTE. This is to enable permanent recruitment, in place of temporary recruitment to time limited roles announced in conjunction with 2022-23 budget outcomes.

RIT-16 - Transition of funding for service level agreements for SLSQ, RLSSQ, Police Citizens Youth Club Youth Welfare Association.

RIT-18 - Implementation of the Office of the Chief Fire Officer, six positions.

RIT-19 - Implementation of Queensland Fire Department (QFD) 143 firefighter positions.

RIT-20 - Implementation of Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) Resourcing.

RIT-23 - QPS Corporate Capability and Capacity Uplift, review of additional QPS Corporate Resourcing and its ability to meet increased demand resulting from RIT changes.

RIT-25 - Transition of the Marine Rescue Implementation Program (MRIP) from QFES to QPS.

RIT-27 - Establishment of intelligence/community sentiment functions for the IGEM.

Queensland Fire Department

Taking it on the road

Members of the QFES Executive Leadership Team, including Acting Commissioner Steve Smith, Acting Deputy Commissioner Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) Kevin Walsh and Acting Chief Officer, RFS Ben Millington are visiting all regions to discuss the transition to the QFD with staff and volunteers.

Sessions have been held in Far North, North and Central Queensland so far, with more to take place as per below:



Session 1 

Session 2 


Kedron (Session 2)


Tuesday 30 April (morning)

North Coast


Monday 22 April (afternoon)

Monday 22 April (evening)

South Western


Wednesday 24 April (afternoon)


North Coast


Monday 29 April (afternoon)

Monday 29 April (evening)

South Eastern


Tuesday 30 April (afternoon)

Tuesday 30 April (evening)

If you would like to attend any of the sessions, please contact:

Rapid survey
How are you feeling about the change to Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFSQ) and the opportunities and challenges it presents?
RFS team members are being encouraged to fill out the Future Direction of RFSQ Survey
The survey closes on Friday 3 May.

Volunteer acknowledgement

Take a look at the latest Volunteer Spotlight, to see who has been recognised for their ongoing commitment and contribution to QFES and the wider community.

If you know someone you would like to appear on Volunteer Spotlight email


Disaster Management

Memorandum of Understanding functions transitioned
The DM Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is in circulation, recognising transition of functions as being complete.

Building on foundations

Work continues with the Watch Desk teams to build the SES monitoring and dispatch capability.


Arriving soon!
DM fleet motor vehicles are due to arrive this month

State Emergency Service

Regional gatherings set to commence 

SES Regional Gatherings are about to commence across the state.

It is an opportunity for staff and volunteers to meet and greet the new Chief Officer, learn about the transitions plans and ask questions.

RSVP to your region's gathering now - SES- Regional Gatherings

Road to success

The latest SES Town Hall has been a success, with many members excited to join QPS in just a few months' time.

Watch the session, if you were unable to make it or simply want to share with a colleague.

Queensland Reconstruction Authority

The Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) team continues their work with QPS and QFES representatives to ensure the effective transition of identified projects and activities transferring from QFES to QRA.

They are currently reviewing and exploring the incoming projects and activities to ensure QRA is well prepared for the transition of projects relating to Hazard and Risk, Community Engagement and Education and Community Awareness Campaigns.

Support of communities impacted by ex TC Jasper, ex TC Kirrily and the South East Queensland severe storms continues, with Damage Assessment and Reconstruction Monitoring underway.

Image (From left to right): Federal Minister for Emergency Management Murray Watt with QRA Regional Liaison Officer Gavin Williams and Brendan Moon from the National Emergency Management Agency in Wujal Wujal.

Image (From left to right): Federal Minister for Emergency Management Murray Watt with QRA Regional Liaison Officer Gavin Williams and Brendan Moon from the National Emergency Management Agency in Wujal Wujal.

Implementation of Marine Rescue Queensland

Enhancing marine rescue operations: Your feedback is crucial

Have your voice heard, as we continue to steer future efforts and work to ensure communities' needs are met.

Participating is simple, yet every single response provided is powerful.

Take the sentiment survey, to share your thoughts and help us understand your perspective better.

First contingency vessel launched
Mackay is now home to a new commissioned rescue vessel.

Vessel MR31 is a 7.5 metre hard-collared rigid vessel, which will enhance the area’s marine rescue capabilities.

Dignitaries heading on MR32 2

Vessel MR31, which was christened last Friday is part of the $22.3 million Marine Rescue Vessel Replacement Program, which will replace up to 20 search and rescue vessels, including three contingency vessels plus two tenders along Queensland’s coastline over the next two years.

Contact Us

Have any questions, comments or concerns? Please contact us. We value your feedback.