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Alright team, hold tight. The next few weeks will come quickly, and we want to make sure that you are all well prepared for the transition.

Key dates

Please save the dates for these upcoming activities:

  • Monday, 23 October 2023 (12:30pm – 2:30pm) – RIT hosted “Transition week” Townhall

Departmental Arrangements Notice and the Administrative Arrangements Order

We are pleased to inform you all that of the Departmental Arrangements Notice (DAN) and the Administrative Arrangements Order (AAO) were approved by Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeanette Young on 28 September 2023.

Please see below link to the Gazettal details, refer to page numbers 252 – 254 for the specific announcement relating to the transition of disaster management functions and staff to QPS. This being signed means that the MoG is good to go! I want to thank team's efforts in getting these over the line

29.09.23 - (

ICT transition

This week, we want to make sure you are well prepped for the ICT transition, as this will be one of the most important parts of the transition. It will also likely be the element that causes some stress.

As a precaution, you may want to give all your key stakeholders some notice that there may be a period where your emails could have issues. Important to note is that your phone number will remain the same and you will have workarounds provided for email access. With respect to State Watchdesk, the phone and email address will remain the same to ensure no degradation of service. Please also be assured the process of raising Emergency Alerts and Warnings will remain the same for this season.

During the ICT Transition, in consultation with your team, the ICT Service Transition Team will progressively cut over your Microsoft Office365 content (email, calendars, contacts, OneDrive, MS Teams, SharePoint, etc) from your original tenancy to @POLICE accounts. This will ensure you have all your required access in place and can log-in and work as expected. This is when you will start using your new email address.

The ICT Transition for Disaster Management will occur in the week beginning Monday, 23 October 2023. Each team member will be allocated (in agreement with their manager) to one of two transition groups – A or B. You will be notified of your allocation, once agreed with your manager.

Until 30 October 2023, it is only a user transition (i.e. email address) not a system transition.

The below checklist must be completed by midday on your assigned Transition Day. A reminder will be sent in the lead up to this.


We will be sharing further ICT Fact Sheets and a comprehensive User Guide closer to transition.

Exciting visitors to the State Disaster Coordination Centre

On Wednesday 27 September, the Governor of Queensland, Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeanette Young and her team visited the State Disaster Coordination Centre for a tour around the facility and meet some of our hardworking staff.

She was welcomed by Watchdesk, Emergency Management, QFES and QPS staff. Our senior officers were able to give Her Excellency a quick brief for the upcoming disaster season. I also took the opportunity to remind Her Excellency of the time she stole my carpark at the SDCC many years ago – not that I hold a grudge. The RIT DM Project Team were also clearly very excited.


XO and DDC Conference

On 5 and14 September 2023, a few of our RIT DM Project team attended the XO and DDC Conferences respectively, along with Acting Assistant Commissioner Marcus Hill. A/AC Hill provided both the DDCs and XOs with an overview of the RIT’s scope of work and provided clarity with respect to the disaster management transition, as well as the Marine Rescue Queensland and SES transition.


New positions

The Emergency Management and Coordination Command (EMCC) will be advertising a number of new positions within the Command.

Please check out SmartJobs to see if there are any new roles that you might be interested in.

Questions and support

Given the critical importance of the reform program and the transition, we encourage you to actively engage with the Team. Reach out to us, seek guidance, and share any concerns or questions you may have regarding the transition.

We encourage you to visit the Disaster Management ForGov website for more information and to submit your questions. We are actively updating the Disaster Management FAQs and myth busters as a point of truth for all of your transition related queries.

Alternatively, contact our team through our online feedback form.

Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to the success of the disaster management transition.


John Bosnjak