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During deployment, we will keep you informed through regular briefings.

Orientation briefing

When you arrive at the Community Recovery location, we’ll give you information about:

  • local community and disaster impacts
  • service delivery model
  • management structure
  • code of conduct
  • workplace health and safety requirements
  • timesheet and expense claim procedures.

Daily shift briefing

Before you start work each day, Managers or a delegated Team Leader will brief you on the following topics:

  • overview of the current operations
  • confirming escalation points for any key issues
  • highlighting emerging issues you need to be aware of
  • confirming daily reporting requirements.

Managers or delegated Team Leaders will confirm the location and time of the daily shift briefing and debriefing.

Daily shift debriefing

At the end of shift each day, we will:

  • debrief experiences for the day
  • discuss and resolve any challenges or issues encountered
  • provide advice on any outstanding quality assurance that needs attention
  • suggest improvements moving forward.

Team Leader/Manager—handover briefing

All Team Leaders/Managers must provide a handover, including:

  • overview of current operations and processes
  • daily activities and reporting arrangements
  • identifying any key or emerging issues
  • confirming escalation points for key issues
  • confirming staffing arrangements.

Exit debriefing

Pre-exit admin and HR debrief

On your last day of deployment you will:

  • finalise your Community Recovery Timesheet
  • check your Allowance and Expense Claim forms are completed correctly.

At the end of each rotational deployment period the District Event Coordinator, or their delegate, will lead a staff exit debrief session. The objective of this debrief is to improve future Community Recovery operations by identifying good practice and areas for improvement.

You will also be emailed a short online survey when you return home to provide feedback on your deployment experience.

Psychological debriefing (post-exit)

A psychological debriefing after you return from deployment gives you an opportunity to reflect on and discuss your recovery experience.

Confidential counselling is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling your normal home agency Employee Assistance Services (EAS) provider.