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4. Space management

4.1 Building types

Government office accommodation managed by the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (HLGPPW) is provided in 3 building types as follows:

  • Buildings that are owned by the State of Queensland and controlled in whole or in part by HLGPPW. These buildings are referred to as government-owned office buildings.
  • Buildings in leased in whole, or substantial part, by government. These leases are generally in excess of 10,000m2 net lettable area. These buildings involve long-term tenure, and their leases contain particular obligations and maintenance provisions. The office accommodation in these buildings is controlled by HLGPPW. These buildings are referred to as 'major leased' buildings
  • Buildings (other than 'major leased' buildings) that are owned by private-sector landlords, and in which office space is leased by government. These leases are generally less than 10,000m2 net lettable area. This building type includes buildings leased from the private sector under pre-commitment lease arrangements. These buildings are referred to as 'other leased' buildings.

4.2 Key documents

The 3 key documents that define government policy and procedures for the management of agencies' office space are:

In addition, the lease agreement for each private-sector lease contains specific conditions that must be adhered to by occupant agencies. Lease conditions take precedence over other key documents.

4.3 Key issues

Office space is defined as any tenancy where office fitout comprises at least 80% of the total occupied area.

Key issues that need to be considered in the process of space management include:

  • other than HLGPPW, agencies must not construct new office buildings or extend their existing buildings to include office accommodation, without approval of the Queensland Government Office Accommodation unit with HLGPPW.
  • Government-owned office buildings must be occupied (when space is available and functionally suitable) in preference to acquiring new private-sector leased office space.
  • Vacant space under lease by the government from the private sector must be occupied (when space is available and (functionally suitable) in preference to acquiring new private-sector leased space.
  • HLGPPW is the agency mandated to negotiate and manage all new government office space leased from the private sector on behalf of Government, and manage all existing such leases except where other arrangements currently exist.
  • Other agencies must not initiate lease negotiations with the commercial property market and must not compete or pre-empt any dealings between HLGPPW and that market.
  • Occupancy of space in government-owned and 'major leased' buildings is not subject to fixed terms unless otherwise agreed, and advance notice must be provided to HLGPPW when agencies are proposing to rationalise space, vacate space or relocate.
  • Consideration must be given to the impact of upsizing/downsizing of any facilities associated with the particular space, including, for example, the number of reserved car parking bays and end of trip facilities.
  • When agencies identify a need for new office accommodation or a need to vary existing office accommodation, his requirement will be subject to assessment of the whole-of-Government service delivery and savings benefit criteria and HLGPPW should be advised at the earliest opportunity to allow for the internal approvals process and maximise the available options and minimise delays and costs.
  • Reconfiguration of existing space or accommodation alterations within existing tenancies requires building-owner approval, which must be obtained through the Queensland Government Accommodation Office, HLGPPW.