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2.3 Planning overview

Business planning establishes agencies' strategies for delivering government services, such as education, health, transport, policing and justice. In the context of the Office Accommodation Management Framework (OAMF), the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works (HLGPPW) delivers accommodation management services to agencies to support and enhance the delivery of their services to the community.

The business planning process for HLGPPW and other government agencies establishes:

  • organisational strategy and direction
  • strategic plans for service-delivery programs
  • tactical or practical plans that translate strategic service-delivery plans into resources needs, including:
    • capital assets
    • human resources
    • technology
    • office space
    • funding
  • operational or project plans to acquire and manage the necessary service-delivery resources
  • operational service-delivery plans.

The key planning process for all government agencies to identify their office accommodation needs is translating strategic service-delivery plans into current and future accommodation requirements.

The cost of acquiring, fitting out and using office accommodation also needs to be incorporated into business plans at both the strategic and operational levels.

As government office accommodation service provider, HLGPPW undertakes office accommodation planning in 3 streams:

  • strategic portfolio planning for its office building assets to match supply with demand and to ensure that owned office buildings are cost-effective and suitable for government office accommodation
  • strategic office accommodation planning to integrate government agencies' office-space needs into whole-of-government strategies for the Brisbane Central Business District and 18 other regional centres of strategic significance in office-accommodation terms
  • management-systems planning to ensure that the department's accommodation management systems are appropriate, suitable and comply with the requirements of government policy, Queensland Treasury and the Queensland Audit Office.

The planning process and procedures are described in detail in Guideline 1: Planning.