Support for sustainable tourism in Queensland
Read how tourism, climate and market data is helping Queensland Government agencies to make informed decisions and proactively manage risks.
Human Rights Week is celebrated in Queensland each year from 1–10 December, culminating on Human Rights Day.
This year’s theme celebrates five years of Queensland’s Human Rights Act 2019, and the many benefits it brings to the protection and promotion of human rights.
As public sector employees, we have a shared responsibility to help build a culture of human rights. There are many ways to help us achieve this vision, such as getting involved in Human Rights Week activities.
Human Rights Update
The November 2024 issue of the Human Rights Update has information about initiatives, resources and events to help you raise awareness of Human Rights Week in your team.
They include webinars, face-to-face training, posters and a useful tool to navigate a decision that may limit human rights.
Subscribe to receive the Queensland public sector Human Rights Update.
Find out more about human rights in the public sector by visiting the Human Rights Portal.