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News, events and consultations

Find out the latest government recordkeeping updates and guidance for the:

Public Records Act

Consultation sessions 

Provide feedback on Queensland State Archives' (QSA) approach to mandatory standards and mandatory standard one using this dedicated survey if you were unable to attend an earlier online consultation session.

Consultation on draft mandatory standards and supporting guidelines will continue in 2025. Details will be provided here as they become available.

Register your interest.

The Public Records Information Management Engagement Network (PRIME Network) meets four times a year and is a collaborative and supportive space to discuss issues affecting records and information management within the Queensland public sector.

Our last meeting was held on Wednesday 5 February and covered the following topics:

  • your obligations to actively manage public records, including safe keeping and preserving records (digital and analogue) including:
    • for permanent value records at risk of loss or damage -
      • the need for you to assess whether permanent value records you know, or ought to reasonably know, are at risk of loss or damage and to mitigate those risks
      • existing resources to help you with these assessment and mitigation processes
      • the requirement for you to notify the State Archivist when risks to permanent value records cannot be sufficiently mitigated
    • for records which are lost or damaged -
      • the need to urgently seek advice from QSA about potential remedial action for damaged records
      • the requirement for you to notify the State Archivist
      • for damaged records, disposal cannot take place without authorisation
      • actions required to prevent a re-occurrence
  • delegations of authority for public records access under the Public Records Act 2023
  • an update on consultation on mandatory standards.

Next Meeting

The next Community of Practice will be held on Wednesday 14 May 2025. Details will be available soon.

If you have any questions please email

Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference  (PDF, 141.5 KB) for the PRIME Network.

Previous meetings

Slides - October 2024 (PDF, 2.2 MB)

Contact Queensland State Archives