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For government release information

June 2020 release notes

  • govCMS update—version 7.x-3.13
  • Enhanced 'Resource finder' content type
    • Added option to separate display of direct and indirect results
  • Accordion component
    • Added focus indicator for section headings
    • Fixed bug affecting accordion arrow icons.
  • Fixed issue causing featured search results to not display if there are no search results.

April 2020 release notes

  • New functionality to add sitewide banner messages for emergency or informational purposes.

March 2020 release notes

  • govCMS update—version 7.x-3.11
  • Enhanced eLearning content type
    • Type, Category, Course code and Privacy fields
    • Google Analytics tracking in modules

January 2020 release notes

  • govCMS update—version 7.x-3.10
  • Bug and security fixes.

2019 release notes

November 2019 release notes

  • Security improvements for CMS text editor
  • Updated styles for buttons in coded components
  • Made 'What is SSO?' content editable in the CMS

October 2019 release notes

  • Fix issue with lightbox links to 'Select your agency' form
  • Set defaults for new tables in CMS text editor
  • Fix issue causing tables to overflow main content container
  • Enhance search result display
  • Enhance display of input elements inside accordion component content.

September 2019 release notes

  • govCMS update—version 7.x-3.9
  • Return FAQs to search results
  • Improve display of FAQ widget
  • Fix some issues with search results display
  • Fix issue causing no Google Analytics data to be recorded.

August 2019 release notes

  • Update site theme in line with Single Website Experience version 3 (SWE3).

June 2019 release notes

  • Enabled single sign-on
  • govCMS update—version 7.x-3.7
  • Fix issues with display of forums
  • New process diagram style.

April 2019 release notes

  • govCMS update—version 7.x-3.5 (includes Drupal core 7.65).
  • 'Role' category options updated to align with Leadership competencies for Queensland.
  • Updated front page search—removed lead-in and placeholder text, allowing search field to take full centre span.
  • Projects and knowledge sharing groups now default sort by 'Last updated'. Keyword search results still sort by 'Relevance'.
  • Changed styles for links in bullet lists on rich landing pages—underline displays on hover/focus.
  • Fixed issue affecting form input display on Apple devices (MacOS/iOS).

February 2019 release notes

  • Combined login and register forms into 1 page.
  • All PDFs download to device instead of opening in browser.
  • govCMS update—version 7.x-2.25.
  • Case study metadata—no longer need to duplicate main priority and main principle into priorities and principles.
  • Table of contents
    • Expand section when selected from table of contents.
    • Fixed bug affecting sections that contain expanding/collapsing content (e.g. video transcripts).
  • Events search—update display when no matching events are found

2018 release notes

October 2018 update

  • 'Government employees' link now in the SWE header.
  • Site login and agency selection moved into the header.
  • New content type—'Resource finder'
    • Users can answer questions about their enquiry to lead them to relevant information.
  • Rich landing page
    • Additional content options
      • Added a custom content area between the banner image and tiles.
      • Added 'News/Features' and 'Twitter' options to bottom content area.
    • Published Queensland Shared Services new rich landing page—the first to use the new page model on For government!
  • Webforms
    • Periodically send CSV of collected submissions.
    • Existing lists in the CMS can now be used for select options (such as agency list).
  • Video styles
    • Added script and styles that make sure videos display correctly in any aspect ratio, on any device.
  • CMS text editor
    • Updated display.
    • Source view now formats for easy viewing and editing.
  • govCMS updates—latest version 7.x-2.23.
  • Fixed issue with page summaries in search results.
  • SSL certificate updates.
  • General bug fixes and enhancements.

June 2018 release notes

4 June

  • Private files
    • You can now set documents (XLS, PDF, DOC etc) to 'private' on public pages. When a customer goes to download/view the private document, they will be asked to log in.
  • Web forms
    • You can hide the submit button on web forms until the customer completes all relevant questions.
  • HTML5 file packages
    • We can now easily publish interactive online content e.g., learning content usually hosted in a learning management system.
  • Video transcript
    • You can add video transcript without having to know/use jQuery code on the web page, making it easier and faster to meet your accessibility requirements.
  • Rich landing page

Send us an email for more information about this release.

March 2018 release notes

12 March

  • govCMS update
  • Glossary
    • Advanced search options
  • Events
    • Select multiple agencies as the event organiser
  • Pin page utility moved to top-right of content column (next to print utility)
  • Webforms
    • Implemented invisible reCAPTCHA protection against bots and spam
    • Tidied email template
    • Added ability to customise attributes of form elements
    • Fixed bug where hidden form elements were not resizing the page
    • Optimised form layout for mobile view
    • Angular.js library will autoload if angular code is used in a form
  • IP whitelist
    • Users from whitelisted IP addresses can view private content without logging in
  • Security updates and fixes

2017 release notes

December 2017

13 December

  • Removed 'caretaker mode' banner from global header template
  • Updated New draft and Edit draft author options to Edit
  • Visual enhancements
    • Removed slider image from mobile view of aggregation pages
    • Removed product page summaries from mobile view of section pages
    • Reduced spacing between h2 and first paragraph in table of contents sections
    • Added styling for different page types in search results
  • System email updates
  • Created QFleet home page (

November 2017 release notes

3 November

  • Added 'caretaker mode' banner to global header template
  • Updated login destination on homepage
  • Fixed table of contents fade-out on expanded sections

October 2017 release notes

9 October

  • Updated CMS content list
    • Changed 'Type' filter to allow multiple selections
    • Added 'Privacy' column in CMS view
    • Added 'Last updated by' and 'Created date' columns to CSV export
  • CMS emails are now full HTML
  • Removed links from FAQ titles
  • Bug fixes

3 October

  • Webforms
    • Set webform pages private
    • Add asides to webforms
    • Visual enhancements
  • News
    • Updated agency selection
  • Table of contents
    • Expand all/Close all option in table of contents
    • Expand/Close links in body include section heading (e.g. Read more about <h3>)
    • Back to top link in expanded sections
    • Visual enhancements
  • Glossary
    • Added new topics
  • Search results
    • Visual enhancements for featured search results

September 2017 release notes

26 September

  • govCMS update
  • News stories updates:
    • Customise by agency
    • Set as private
    • Add asides
  • Customise asides by agency
  • Bug fixes and security updates

June 2017 release notes

21 June

  • Choose the correct Creative Commons licence that applies to content. Licences include:
    • None
    • Attribution CC BY (existing content retain this as the default licence)
    • Attribution, Share Alike CC BY-SA
    • Attribution, No Derivative Works CC BY-ND
    • Attribution, Non-Commercial CC BY-NC
    • Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA
    • Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works, CC BY-NC-ND
  • Drupal webform module updates:
    • Hide submit button
    • Add webform to website IA (note: summary text doesn't appear on section page; we are working to fix this)
  • Fixes to the website search engine

8 June

  • govCMS update
  • For government website using updated whole-of-government search engine
  • Private pages now appear in the website IA
  • Bug fixes and security updates

April 2017 release notes

  • Domain name migrated to
    •* URLs will redirect to
  • Log in and register function added to home page
  • Table of contents presentation doesn't break when editing page
  • Breadcrumbs now display in consistent SWE styling
  • SWE assets updated to current version
  • Site authors and administrators logged out after 4 hours of inactivity
  • Webform share module
  • Security updates
  • Performance improvements

2016 release notes

November 2016 release notes

  • Caching applied to some page elements
  • Scheduled publishing enabled for existing content (already possible for new content)
  • Menus enhanced:
    • Draft content will not appear on live site when added to IA
    • Parent page left navigation menus added to content types from in-page search pages (previously we could only display the top level IA)
    • Collapsible menus added for improved readability and functionality when reordering content
  • Forum module enabled (Contact for more information)
  • Glossary content type updated to collect responsible agency and topic category
  • In-page search created for Queensland State Archives retention and disposal schedules
  • Mandatory message log enabled so authors must note changes when updating content (message will appear on 'Pins, news and events' page for users who've pinned the page)
  • Pinned page reordering enabled on user dashboard
  • Security updates made and other readability improvements and user enhancements
  • Next review date column added to content dashboard
  • Table of contents available for pages with lots of content
  • Web form module installed (Contact for more information)

October 2016 release notes

  • For government dashboard (based on Google Analytics)
  • Enhancements to whole-of-government news page (content coming soon)
  • Registered users can update their email address if they change department/agency
  • Special characters can now be used when saving an event or news search
  • Author and administration enhancements
  • Security updates

August 2016 release notes

  • Content review reminder emails—authors will be asked to set a review date for all content page types (coming soon)
  • Pinned pages—logged in users will be able to add pages to their Pins and events page for quick access
  • Updates to events calendar display
  • Improved knowledge sharing groups display
  • Refined log in process—users go to their Pins and events page after logging in
  • Other usability and readability improvements and minor bug fixes

July 2016 release notes

  • Released whole-of-government knowledge sharing groups page (content coming soon)
  • Scheduled publishing and un-publishing added to most page types
  • Improvements to the Pins, news and events page
  • Updates to Search for directives, policies, circulars and guidelines
  • Usability improvements to the global customisation aside
  • Disabled sending of emails from test environments to authenticated users
  • New user group to support forums (forums coming soon)
  • Disabled author's name automatically appearing in the Dublin Core Creator meta tag field
  • Security updates

June 2016 release notes

May 2016 release notes

  • Whole-of-government events functionality now available—contact the QSS Customer online team for more information
  • New page types available (Public Sector Commission course search)
  • In-page search functionality:
    • results reduced from 50 to 10 (aligns with the single website experience (SWE) requirements)
    • Bug fixes
  • New SWE compliant form buttons added to WYSIWYG editor

April 2016 release notes

  • Fixed 'Customise agency' issue affecting Internet Explorer 8 users
  • Disabled password 'autocomplete'
  • Fixed document search pagination styling

March 2016 release notes

  • Mandatory govCMS security updates

February 2016 release notes

  • Caching issues when updating documents hosted on QSS Customer online have been fixed
  • FAQ search functionality added to product pages
  • Authors can now create rotating asides with images on certain pages
  • Linking to internal HTML pages or documents using LinkIt will work on pages with forked content items
  • Content in product page tabs will now show in search results
  • Users accessing secure content will be taken to secure content after registration/login process
  • Security has been enhanced

2015 release notes

December 2015 release notes

  • Education email addresses ( can now register for Drupal user account access
  • Customisation include removed from contact pages—HR, finance, mail and facilities
  • Warning and information boxes can now be added to the top of Product Page types

November 2015 release notes

  • Restore process flow diagrams to to product outcome pages
  • The 'Read more' links on the product comparison tables to link correctly through to the About tab on product pages
  • Reorder title field on product pages
  • Set mandatory fields and optional fields on product outcome pages
  • Resolved ongoing issue where progressive disclosure forms were being cut-off by the page footer
  • H1 and H2 content now display correctly
  • Feature and benefit icon size corrected to display as 50 x 50 pixels
  • Product page thumbnails can now be uploaded so they appear on section/theme index pages
  • Tick icons added to the left of benefits in the comparison table
  • Up to five product columns can be added to the comparison table and fit neatly within the desktop layout
  • Department and agency name drop-down lists now sort alphabetically as opposed to random
  • Contact tables updated—extensions, fax and other columns removed to fit in the gov2gov 2 column page layout
  • Security to the content management system has been restricted to an allowable IP address list
  • Feature slider added to procurement promotional page
  • Resized image banner—dimensions are now 1314 x 385 pixels—deployed to Queensland Shared Services and procurement pages
  • Up to four links allowed per content item
  • Image upload function added to appear on section page
  • .xls now a publishable file extension
  • Applied correct padding between the heading and definition list on product pages

Upcoming deployments

Production deployment

  • No date set