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Responsible intergenerational value

Deliver today and invest in tomorrow through responsible public procurement choices.

Creating long-term, intergenerational value through procurement

Through procurement, we will deliver enduring community value3.

We will embrace a responsible public procurement approach focused on community wellbeing. We will invest in ethically, environmentally and socially responsible suppliers. Our actions, aligned with community expectations on issues such as modern slavery, ethical procurement of textiles, clothing and footwear, and animal welfare, will bring long-term, intergenerational value.

Strong foundations

Building on the strong foundations set by Buy Queensland in 2017, we will continue to use our procurement to:

  • procure Australian-sourced, environmentally accredited paper products
  • reduce carbon emissions to contribute to achieving net zero emissions by 2050
  • only do business with suppliers that comply with the Ethical Supplier Threshold, through applying the Queensland Government Supplier Code of Conduct
  • contribute to ending domestic and family violence through our evaluation processes
  • ensure that all Queensland Government procurement activities comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)
  • provide pathways to mainstream employment for disadvantaged Queenslanders
  • support the purchase of textile, clothing or footwear products from ethical manufacturers and suppliers wherever possible
  • avoid procuring ‘dumped goods’, which impact local industry and manufacturers who struggle to compete against imported goods sold cheaper than the price charged in the country of manufacture, or below the cost of manufacturing the good.

The Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games has the potential to support around 130,000 direct jobs, including over 10,000 sustained jobs for at least three years post-Games.

Taking it to the next level

Through Buy Queensland 2023, we will:

  • lead by example in undertaking responsible public procurement, including managing modern slavery risks in supply chains, and requiring supplier compliance with the Queensland Government Supplier Code of Conduct
  • use flexible procurement measures, including set-asides, to create more opportunities for supplier diversity
  • ensure everyone gets a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work, by updating the Ethical Supplier Threshold to ensure that a supplier pays award-based wages to people with a disability (using the Supported Wage System where appropriate)
  • update the Queensland Government Supplier Code of Conduct to mandate that suppliers address ethical risks when procuring textiles, clothing and footwear products, and food and beverages sourced from animals.

Creating a better future for Queenslanders

When undertaking procurement for projects valued at $100 million and above, we will identify and pursue enduring community value. This includes a focus on securing long-term value for Queenslanders from the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

View larger image A collage of 3 photos of staff from Ability Enterprises
Ability Enterprises, Toowoomba

Case study: Ability Enterprises

Ability Enterprises, a not-for-profit social enterprise, provides meaningful employment opportunities for vulnerable Queenslanders with disabilities.

Their contribution to community safety during the pandemic demonstrates the Buy Queensland procurement approach of putting Queenslanders first.

When approached to undertake COVID quarantine and general cleaning during the pandemic, 46 Toowoomba employees willingly stepped up to help keep Queenslanders safe under a QBuild cleaning contract. Ability Enterprises imported Australia’s first NOCO Max fogging machine, used to COVID sanitise state government offices. They also cleaned government cars, and wearing full PPE including full face breathing apparatuses and Hazmat suits, undertook deep cleaning at the Wellcamp quarantine facility.

Chief Executive Officer of Ability Enterprises, Tracey Scanlan said, “Our staff really stepped up to the challenge. I think the idea of being part of something bigger, for the betterment of all was empowering to them.”

Winning Buy Queensland awards in 2019 and 2021 set Ability Enterprises on a strong growth journey. It validates the Buy Queensland procurement approach by sourcing local suppliers, employing from its community and engaging with local businesses and government.

Ability Enterprises continues to innovate, looking forward for strategic growth opportunities which provide meaningful work opportunities for its employees.

3 Enduring community value is about the long-term economic, ethical, social and environmental value for current and future generations of Queenslanders