QSS customers
Queensland Shared Services (QSS) supports 47 entities across 31 Queensland government agencies. The range of services provided may vary between agencies.
Below are QSS customers with post-2024 machinery of government (MoG) names. The pre-MoG names will be used in QSS systems and For government until MoG changes are implemented. Read the MoG change guide for the latest information.
- Corporate Administration Agency (CAA)*
- Customer Services, Open Data and Small and Family Business (CDSB)
- Economic Development Queensland (EDQ)
- Education (DoE)*
- Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ)
- Energy and Climate (DEC)
- Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DETSI)
- Families, Seniors, Disability Services and Child Safety (DFSDSCS)
- Housing and Public Works (DHPW)
- Inspector-General Emergency Management (IGEM)
- Justice (DoJ)
- Legal Aid Queensland (LAQ)
- Local Government, Water and Volunteers (DLGWV)
- Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC)
- Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Regional and Rural Development (DNRMMRRD)
- Office of Industrial Relations (OIR)
- Parliamentary Service*
- The Premier and Cabinet (DPC)
- Primary Industries (DPI)
- Public Sector Commission (PSC)
- Queensland Public Trustee*
- QBuild
- QFleet
- Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS)
- Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC)*
- Queensland Corrective Services (QCS)
- Queensland Fire Department (QFD)
- Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group (QGCDG)
- Queensland Health (QH)*
- Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC)
- Queensland Police Service (QPS)
- Queensland Racing Integrity Commission (QRIC)*
- Queensland Ombudsman*
- Queensland Treasury (QT)
- Resources Safety and Health Queensland (RSHQ)*
- Smart Service Queensland (SSQ)
- South Bank Corporation*
- Sport, Racing and Olympic and Paralympic Games (DSROPG)
- Sport and Recreation
- State Development, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDIP)
- TAFE Queensland*
- Tourism and Events Queensland*
- Trade, Employment and Training (DTET)
- Transport and Main Roads (DTMR)*
- Women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multiculturalism (DWATSIPM)
- Youth Justice and Victim Support (DYJVS)
* Limited services provided