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SES - Training Townhalls

The purpose of these Townhalls is to seek your feedback, so that we can make improvements to how training occurs within SES in the future. These improvements will form back of the broader emergency services reform and will be part of the transition of SES  to QPS next year.

What can you do to prepare for the Townhalls?

The Townhalls will be your opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions. To assist you in preparing, you may want to reflect on:

  • Whether you feel there is too much training or not enough training within SES?
  • Do you feel the competency maintenance is too much or not enough? How could we improve competency maintenance in the future?
  • Any ideas you have to alleviate your frustrations with how we currently train?
  • Any gaps you see in how we train (content and approach).
  • Whether you see any value in accredited training (formal training through a Registered Training Organisation). For example, whether training should be nationally recognised vs informal training and not recognised nationally?

How do I engage during or after the sessions?

You can engage during the session in the usual way with raising your hand, the presenters will acknowledge you when you can ask questions or provide feedback. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking during the session, you can use the Chat Feature of Microsoft  Teams. We may not have a chance to get to everyone during the sessions.

Rest assured all feedback submitted online will be considered, as we define our future training approach. You can also provide feedback after the event, as the Townhalls will be recorded and made available for viewing. Your feedback can be submitted by clicking here.

What happens after the Townhalls?

Your feedback helps the SES Transition Team and other key stakeholders to design the new training approach, as part of our transition to QPS. Updates about our training approach will be provided in the usual ways, through the SES Newsletter and upcoming Townhall meetings. Your local Change Champion will also provide updates as the training approach is defined and progresses.

Sessions scheduled for all members

Session: Training Townhall, Central Region

Time: 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Date: Monday 7 August 2023

How to connect: Click on this link to join through Microsoft Teams

Session: Training Townhall, South Eastern Region

Time:  6:30pm - 7:30pm

Date: Tuesday 8 August 2023

How to connect: Click on this link to join through Microsoft Teams

Session: Training Townhall, Brisbane Region

Time:  6:30pm - 7:30pm

Date: Monday 14 August 2023

How to connect: Click on this link to join through Microsoft Teams

Session: Training Townhall, North Coast Region

Time:  6:30pm - 7:30pm

Date: Thursday 17 August 2023

How to connect: Click on this link to join through Microsoft Teams

Session: Training Townhall, South Western Region

Time:  6:30pm - 7:30pm

Date: Thursday 24 August 2023

How to connect: Click on this link to join through Microsoft Teams

Session: Training Townhall, Northern and Far Northern Region

Time:  6:30pm - 7:30pm

Date: Thursday 31 August 2023

How to connect: Click on this link to join through Microsoft Teams

Session: Training Townhall, All Regions

Time:  10:00am - 11:00am

Date: Saturday 2 September 2023

How to connect: Click on this link to join through Microsoft Teams


If you have any questions that you would like to submit, please submit them via the following link to the RIT Feedback form. Your questions will be received by the team and every endeavour will be made to ensure you receive a response in a timely manner.

Be sure to check out our Myth Busters in case your question has already been answered. View our Myth Busters by clicking here.