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SES transition to QPS

As you know, we are working towards transitioning SES to QPS no later than 1 July 2024.

SES Townhall

On 26 October we had another SES Townhall engagement session at Kedron. Facilitated by the Business Reform Coordinator Stephen Dabinett from the Reform Implementation Taskforce (RIT) and Acting Assistant Commissioner SES Brian Cox, the session had an in-person audience and was livestreamed. An update on our transition was provided and your questions answered during the Q&A component.

Updates from Deputy Commissioner Chelepy

Deputy Commissioner Chelepy's role has recently changed. The Deputy will move to Regional Operations and Youth Crime in a temporary capacity. The Deputy will remain as State Disaster Coordinator. The search for a temporary replacement is underway.

The Deputy has also recently answered some of your questions which has been recorded as a three-part video series. These videos provide some insightful information. Be sure to watch and share with your colleagues by visiting our ForGov webpage.

Working to create a better, more collaborative disaster management system

This month we saw SES attending for the first time the State Disaster Coordination Group (SDCG).

What is the SDCG? It consists of other large State Government agencies and non-government organisations and provides advice to the State Disaster Coordinator (SDC) about available resources and options for disaster response. The SDCG ensures the coordinated and efficient deployment of state government resources and also liaises with invitees and other organisations, including local governments and the Australian Government (where Australian Government assistance has been sought), to ensure to the greatest extent possible the coordinated and efficient deployment of their resources.

Our attendance at the SDCG is the first step, as part of the disaster and emergency services reform, in giving SES a greater voice and being represented at all levels of the disaster management system – essentially, providing SES with a seat at the table. In the future, SES will be integrated seamlessly into the broader disaster management system – connectedness is critical.  These changes will provide a real benefit to the community and improve collaboration across the system. Over time, we will see enhanced capabilities for SES, and we will be working better across the entire disaster management system.

Peer Support Network and Chaplaincy Services

As you know, our Peer Support Network and Chaplaincy Services are an integral part of how we support each other through challenging times. We had a Townhall to better understand the differences between how QFES and QPS undertake these important services. To find out more check out the recording below.

We will continue to work on the model, as we prepare for our transition. If you want to provide feedback, you can contact us.

Local Government and SES engagements

The RIT joined the Inspector General Emergency Management (IGEM) and the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) to engage councils from across Queensland at the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) conference in Gladstone from Monday 16 to Wednesday 18 October.

It was a great opportunity to engage members from 77 councils to listen and learn about their communities and how the reforms will benefit them. Overall, there was positive feedback from councils, welcoming the outcomes of the reforms. The RIT had a clear message that there would be no degradation of services during this disaster season and coordination will remain locally led.

The RIT’s presence emphasised the importance of the reforms and the commitment to the state and local partnership during disaster and emergency operations.

A video of some of the attendees’ explaining what the reforms mean to them has been compiled by the RIT and available to watch by clicking here.

Our Change Champions

Our Change Champions Network (CCN) has progressed to the development of a Local “Plan on a Page” to enable SES Regions and State Office to develop strategies which will improve ‘Readiness Results’ across SES.

Initial readiness assessment results from 23 September indicate that SES is currently not yet ready for transition, with further work required.

Work is underway to finalise the review of the SES ICT Systems being utilised by Regions and State. This work will help determine the impacts as part of the change and to help shape the training needs and support required for staff prior to transition.

Brisbane Region recently held a face-to-face volunteer Change Champion orientation on the to support engagement and communication activities across volunteer units.

In total more than 100 individual engagement efforts (team meetings, huddles, local updates, emails, videos and newsletters and site visits) have occurred across the state within excess of 16,000 touchpoints resulting in a high level of knowledge and awareness of the transition program.

The Change Champions also helped gather information by speaking with staff and volunteers. The information has indicated that 63% of staff are accepting of the change with a further 30% in an exploration stage. This is a really pleasing result as we prepare for the transition.

Transition Feedback

Want to know how to provide feedback to us? Contact us by visiting ForGov and using the contact form. Your inquiry or feedback will be reviewed, and we will endeavour to respond within a reasonable timeframe. There are several activities and opportunities planned, and we encourage you to become involved and follow this exciting time in the service’s history.

Don’t forget the ForGov site is your go-to for information, news and events about our transition to QPS. Visit the SES page on ForGov to be kept informed.