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As you know, we are working towards transitioning the Queensland State Emergency Service (SES) to the Queensland Police Service (QPS) no later than 1 July 2024.


SES Townhall

Session: SES Townhall, What’s the plan for the shift?

Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Date: Tuesday 13 February 2024


The purpose of the Townhall is to provide an update on our progress, as we prepare for our transition.

What will be covered during the Townhall?

The purpose of the Townhall is to:

  • Introduce the SES Chief Officer
  • Provide an update on our overall transition plan
  • Provide an update on the People Hubs
  • Our intention for onboarding into QPS
  • Provide an overview of screening requirements for SES staff
  • Showcase the great work of our change champions
  • Provide an opportunity to ask any questions about the transition

Who are the presenters?

  • Brian Cox, Acting Assistant Commissioner, State Emergency Service
  • Steve Dabinett, Business Reform Coordinator, Reform Implementation Taskforce
  • Shane Chelepy, Deputy Commissioner, Queensland Police Service
  • Mark Armstrong, Chief Officer, State Emergency Service

How do I ask questions during the session? 

Questions can be submitted via the Chat Function. Link to how to use the chat function in Teams

How to keep up to date?

Information on the current reform activities happening is available on ForGov.

We hope that you will join us, as we work towards our transition.


Appointment of SES Chief Officer

On the 26 January 2024, you would have received an email in relation to Mark Armstrong being appointed the Chief Officer of SES. Mark commenced in the role on Monday 5 February 2024.

If you missed the announcement, you can read the ForGov article here.

The Chief Officer role forms part of the Queensland Government’s intention to create a new entity for SES which will be hosted by the QPS. The appointment of the Chief Officer for SES will build on the work we have done so far to remain a contemporary, agile and trusted response partner in emergency management. The role will also seek opportunities to improve organisational outcomes, sustain volunteerism and enhance capability service delivery.

Mark will be part of our next Townhall, which is scheduled for Tuesday 13 February 2024.

On-boarding approach to QPS

Work is underway to define the on-boarding approach for volunteers and staff. On-boarding for volunteers and staff will involve training and information on policy and procedure, system, and mandatory training products (for staff). Further information about this will be shared at the townhall which is scheduled for 13 February 2024.

People Hubs

At our last Townhall we shared an overview of how our corporate services will be provided in the future. Part of the corporate services model are People hubs which will provide services to the State Emergency Service, the future Marine Rescue Queensland and the Emergency Management and Coordination Command.

A working group was recently established to progress the model with representatives from the various services and QPS corporate representatives. The People hubs will be an important interface into QPS corporate services.

The regional hubs will include services for volunteers and staff which includes, Work Health and Safety, workplace wellbeing and culture.

Progress on the SES Bill

Public consultation has commenced on the SES Bill. The future Act is crucial to ensure Queenslanders have the right foundations and legislative framework. The SES Bill, currently out for public submissions, aims to provide just that –  click here to view the bill.

Public submissions closed on the 31 January 2024.  A public briefing has been scheduled for 12 February 2024, and an additional public hearing is scheduled for 4 March 2024, but not yet confirmed.

Reminder about QPS screening requirements for SES staff

Just a reminder that SES staff are required to complete QPS screening requirements by 27 February 2024.

When SES transitions to QPS, SES staff will need to comply with the requirements of Police Service Administration Act 1990. QPS requires staff to be sufficiently screened prior to transitioning to QPS. Work is underway to finalise SES volunteer on-boarding and transition requirements. The onboarding process will enable access to QPS support and systems including additional protections under the proposed new State Emergency Services Act. There will be no additional screening requirements for volunteers. The current requirement to maintain a clearance to work with children (hold a Blue Card) will continue.


Transition Feedback

A quick heads up that the Disaster and Emergency Services Reform Sentiment survey will be opening on Monday 5 February 2024.

We are always looking for ways to improve our communication and engagement strategies. Would you be willing to help us out by sharing your thoughts?

How to provide feedback to us?

Quite simply contact us by visiting ForGov and using the contact form. Your inquiry or feedback will be reviewed, and we will endeavour to respond within a reasonable timeframe.

There are several activities and opportunities planned, and we encourage you to become involved and follow this exciting time in the services history.

Don’t forget the ForGov site is your go-to site for information, news, and events about our transition to QPS.
Visit the SES page on ForGov to be kept informed.