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Disaster and Emergency Management Reforms
Fortnightly update | 16 May 2024

Happy International Day of Living Together in Peace! It's what the reform is all about, the improvement of existing relationships and improving efficiencies.

As we approach the finish line, please remember to share this newsletter with a colleague.

Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association and Volunteer Marine Rescue Association Queensland teams assemble!

A word from AC Hill

"Recognition of people who have made a significant contribution throughout their lifetime is important.

Volunteers are a vital part of this transition, with approximately 8500 SES and MRQ volunteers working to keep Queenslanders safe at times of disaster and crisis and ensuring QPS can meet its disaster management obligations."

Acting Assistant Commissioner Marcus Hill of the Reform Implementation Taskforce.
Ask a question or provide feedback via the RIT contact form

RIT Program focus for the coming weeks

There is still time to complete the final RIT sentiment survey

Thanks to those of you who have put aside time in your busy schedules to complete our final RIT sentiment survey

Make sure you take the opportunity to help shape the future of our disaster management and emergency services.

Know what is happening and why it is happening.

RIT Program success

To keep you updated, here are the latest decisions that have been approved for closure:

RIT-22 -
Position and Funding Allocations: QPS in Support of SES - This provides 14 positions and $2M in recurrent funding for dispatching and monitoring positions within the QPS Emergency Management & Coordination Command (EMCC) to support the SES. 

RIT-24 - QFES Funding Retention - This RIT was for QFES to communicate the redistribution of $77M in retained funding within the Queensland Fire Department (QFD).

Legislation approved and reaching assent

The third reading and agreement of the landmark disaster and emergency services reform legislation took place on Thursday 2 May 2024.

Minister for Police and Community Safety Mark Ryan has expressed his gratitude to those who had a hand in piecing the legislation together, including Acting Assistant Commissioner of the RIT, Marcus Hill and his team which included Emergency Services Reform Program Director Greg Obst and Senior Legal Officer Reanna Fogarty. 

Acting Assistant Commissioner of EMCC, John Bosnjak, SES Chief Officer Mark Armstrong and MRQ Chief Officer Tony Wulff were also thanked for their contribution among others.

He also gave special thanks to Greg Ringuet from the Marine Rescue Implementation Taskforce and the rest of his team. Along with Steve Dabinett, Acting Assistant Commissioner of SES Brian Cox and their team.

Reforms to Queensland’s emergency services and disaster management include:

  • establishing Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ) as a state-wide marine rescue service through the Marine Rescue Queensland Bill 2023;
  • establishing the SES as its own entity through the State Emergency Service Bill 2023;
  • MRQ and SES hosted by the QPS through the Emergency Services Reform Amendment Bill 2023 and make the necessary administrative amendments for this to occur; and
  • formally establishing the State Disaster Management Group (SDM group) within the DM Act through the Emergency Services Reform Amendment Bill 2023.

The Disaster Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 includes amendments to:

  • the Disaster Management Act 2003;
  • the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990; and
  • the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Act 2011.

Assent was achieved on 7 May with Premier Steven Miles advising Ministers Mark Ryan and Nikki Boyd that he supported the "in principle an Administrative Arrangements Amendment Order and DAN to proceed, following passage of the Bill and Royal Assent.

Proclamation is planned to occur on 3 June 2024.

Development of legislation has been described as one of the more challenging jobs to do in Government.

Implementation of Marine Rescue Queensland

Second contingency vessel launched in Rockhampton

Thank you to QF19 Commander Mike O'Dell and the rest of the Rockhampton Flotilla for hosting the second contingency marine rescue vessel delivered under the Vessel Replacement Program.

MR32, a 7.5 metre long hard collared NAIAD will be used by Central Queensland marine rescue services when additional capability is required due to disaster or emergency response, maintenance or repair and can be deployed throughout the region.

A special thanks goes to QF11 Yeppoon Life Member Barry Semple and his wife Vivian for christening the vessel with a ceremonial pouring of champagne over the bow.

Together, Barry and Vivian have more than 70-years Coast Guard service – thanks to both of you for your dedication and commitment to keeping Queenslander’s safe on the water.

The vessel was commissioned in Rockhampton last week.

State Emergency Service

Upcoming Townhalls

Volunteers and staff are invited to participate in next week's townhalls. Their purpose is to provide an update on the SES plan for the transition to QPS.

They are as followed:

  • Monday 20th May from 1pm - 2pm: SES staff
  • Monday 20th May from 6.30pm - 7.30pm: All volunteers

Volunteer acknowledgement of transition

More than 4,000 volunteer acknowledgement of transition forms have now been received as transition day fast approaches.

Completing this form is important, as it enables access to QPS support and systems, including additional protections under the proposed new State Emergency Service Act. There is still time to submit the form

Regional gatherings continue 

SES training days and evening information sessions are continuing across the state.

The purpose of the events is to provide an update on our intentions for SES to transition to QPS. It is also an opportunity for SES members to meet new SES Chief Officer, Mark Armstrong.

Don't miss out on the next round of SES- Regional Gatherings that could be taking place in your neck of the woods.


WOW Day is just around the corner!


You can get involved by:

*    Adding a splash of orange to your outfit for the day and taking part in any WOW celebrations in your area.
*    Take a photo of yourself donned in something orange and post it on social media along with the #thankyouSES and #WOWDAY tags.

Wear Orange Wednesday (WOW), the national day to celebrate and thank SES volunteers, takes place annually on the Wednesday of National Volunteer Week

Find out more information on WOW Day at SES Week

Queensland Fire Department

Disaster Management and Other Legislation Amendment Bill passed 2nd May 2024

The Bill establishes the Queensland Fire Department (QFD), along with:

  • the Queensland Fire and Rescue (QFR) and Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFSQ) as separate services and;
  • recognises the highly valued service provided by volunteers in communities across Queensland and;
  • introduces greater legal protections for volunteers, as they serve their communities.

Importantly, there will be no change to the functions that brigades perform.

The Bill also makes amendments to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority Act 2011 to expand the Queensland Reconstruction Authority’s functions.

Minister Ryan acknowledged members of the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services including Acting Commissioner Steve Smith, Deputy Commissioner Kevin Walsh and Acting Chief Officer Ben Millington.

He further acknowledged staff from QRA and members of the QFES Independent Review Team.

Minister for Fire and Corrective Services Nikki Boyd said the legislation is about providing Queenslanders with the best possible frontline support through more resources, more personnel, and a better alignment of emergency services.

International Firefighters Day

On the first Sunday of May at noon, firefighters around the world sound off in respect of past firefighters.

International Firefighters’ Day (IFFD) is a time where the world’s community can recognise and honour the sacrifices that firefighters make to ensure that their communities and environment are as safe as possible. It is also a day in which current and past firefighters can be thanked for their contributions - Home - International Firefighters Day - 4th May

“The role of a firefighter in today’s society – be it urban, rural, natural environment, volunteer, career, industrial, defence force, aviation, motor sport, or other is one of dedication, commitment and sacrifice – no matter what country we reside and work in. In the fire service we fight together against one common enemy – fire – no matter what country we come from, what uniform we wear or what language we speak.”

~ Lt JJ Edmondson, 1999

In Memorium

This month marks the one year anniversary of First Class Firefighter Izabella Nash who was fatally injured when responding to a factory fire at Slacks Creek. She is dearly missed and is remembered as a passionate and dedicated professional.

Queensland Reconstruction Authority

Collaborative effort continues

The Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) continues discussions and collaborative sessions with QFES, QPS and SES. These opportunities pave the way for information sharing and review of the agreed transferring projects and activities, in anticipation of implementation and delivery post 30 June 2024.

Resilient Australia Awards nominations now open

Get Ready Queensland is delighted to announce that nominations are now open for the 25th Resilient Australia Awards, celebrating initiatives that bolster community resilience and inspire action for a safer, more connected future.

Categories include:

  • Business
  • Community
  • Government
  • Local government
  • Schools
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Photography.

The Research for Impact Award has been added this year, honouring research from tertiary institutions that enhance disaster resilience outcomes through knowledge, capability and practice. 

Find out more at

Disaster Management

Collaboration at its best

The PCYC Emergency Services Cadets (ESC) Unit had a fantastic camp at Mount Cotton this month.

The cadets were invited by the Wolfdene Unit to attend a weekend full of exercises, where they learned all about search and rescue. 

With assistance from the Logan SES and a visit by search and rescue management, it presented an opportunity for the cadets to get into the swing of search and rescue techniques.

PCYC ESC Coordinator Scott Cowles emphasised training exercises are always a collaborative effort between different disaster responders. 

"The exposure of other emergency services has allowed cadets to think about volunteering with SES, particularly after seeing the neat equipment they might get to drive such as ATVs and flood boats," he said.

Scott Cowles extended his gratitude to all involved, "a huge thank you to those officers, the Logan SES group and all the other volunteers that made the weekend such an amazing event."

The PCYC ESC Unit is situated at the Queensland Police Service Academy (QPSA). The cross service collaboration has inspired cadets to think about volunteering with SES.

* In support of the PCYC Emergency Services Cadets (ESC) Program, QPS now proudly manages their Service Level Agreement (SLA). This was part of the recent Disaster Management Reform.

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Have any questions, comments or concerns? Please contact us. We value your feedback.