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RFSQ - Volunteer online forum and RFSQ future directions survey

Message from the Chief Officer

Image of Chief Officer RFSQ Ben Millington

Dear colleagues,

Over the past few weeks, I have had the privilege of visiting more Brigades across the state to formally recognise volunteers, see firsthand some of the training being undertaken and of course discuss the reform. 

We are fast approaching the formation of the new Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFSQ) on 1 July and there is a lot of information I want to share and discuss with you all. I’m also keen to get your feedback about how you see the future of RFSQ taking shape.

Volunteer Online Forum

All RFS volunteers and staff are invited to join in our second Volunteer Online Forum.

Date: Wednesday 8 May
Time: 6.30pm – 7.30pm
Teams link: Click here to join the forum

At the forum we’ll be giving you an update on the reform, including recruitment and Volunteer to Career opportunities, as well as discussing brigade finances and the survey results (see below).

There will also be some time allocated for questions and answers. 

Responses to questions held over from the first forum are available to read here (click to download).

If there are topics you would like addressed during the second forum, please email these to

We have addressed some of the technical issues experienced in the first forum and look forward to many of you joining us again.

Rapid survey: Future direction of RFSQ

I want to hear how you’re feeling about the change to RFSQ and the opportunities and challenges it presents. Please take a couple of minutes to fill out this short, anonymous survey:

The survey closes on Friday 3 May to give us time to read through your feedback ahead of the online forum, noting the survey results will also be published.

Volunteer spotlight

One of the best parts of my job is recognising the great job our volunteer members do, what they love about being part of the Rural Fire Service, and what inspires them.

The volunteer spotlights, published on the QFES website, are a great way to recognise our volunteers and highlight their contributions to Queensland communities.

We're looking to showcase more RFS volunteers. If you or someone you know would like to appear on Volunteer Spotlight email

Thank you for what you continue to do within your Brigades and I look forward to working with you as we build the new RFSQ.

Kind regards,

Ben Millington
A/Chief Officer 
Rural Fire Service Queensland