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It has already been a very busy 2024 and I want to start by acknowledging every one of you – volunteers and staff on the frontline, and those behind the scenes – to thank you for your tireless efforts in keeping our community safe.

I’d like to take this opportunity to wish Chief Officer Mike Wassing well on his secondment to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, and to welcome Ben Millington who has been appointed the A/Chief Officer, Rural Fire Service. Ben comes to QFES with a wealth of experience as a leader in volunteer-based emergency services and is currently the Assistant Commissioner State Operations with the NSW Rural Fire Service. He will commence in the A/Chief Officer role on 12 February 2024.

I also extend my heartfelt thanks to outgoing Deputy Commissioner Joanne Greenfield, for her leadership, advocacy, dedication and service to the Rural Fire Service and in the reform work that will set us up for success for the year ahead.

In the interim, I can provide you with an update on the Rural Fire Service Queensland (RFSQ) Reform. We’re going to be challenged as an organisation over the next few months to ensure we have the structure, capacity, and capability to meet the needs of our communities now and into the future – and your continued support, feedback and engagement will be crucial.

Before I provide the reform update, I'd firstly like to acknowledge some of the recent allegations in the media and note that RFSQ is resolute to continue operating in alignment with our values. We have zero tolerance of any behaviour that does not uphold an inclusive and respectful environment for all our staff and volunteers.


The Reform Roadmap

To refresh everyone, the reform will be delivered in a staged approach over a three-year program. While the new Queensland Fire Department (QFD) is scheduled for transition on 1 July 2024, there will be ongoing work to ensure the RFSQ Reform is delivered, transitioned, and embedded for long-term success.

We have completed most of the discovery and design work, and the program is now moving into the delivery stage. This stage is where the detailed work on “who does what and how” will be defined and clearly articulated – and this has progressed within both the State Office and in the Regions. We anticipate that we will be ready to share the details with you in mid-April.


Advertising has now commenced for 11 new Brigade Training and Support Officer (BTSO) positions, as part of the additional 114 positions uplift for RFSQ. This is an exciting opportunity to join the Rural Fire Service Queensland, please visit RFS BTSO Opportunities to register your interest.

Recruitment of the Deputy Chief Officer (State) position is set to commence in late January 2024 and the plan is to advertise the remaining Deputy Chief Officer and Assistant Chief Officer positions as soon as possible this year. Recruitment for the remaining positions is expected to occur sequentially, starting with a ‘top-down’ approach.


Cabinet-in-Confidence documents proposing changes to the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990 and the Disaster Management Act 2003, have been sent to a select group of industry bodies and associations for consultation. Public submissions will be sought during the parliamentary committee stage (date currently unknown).

Provide feedback and stay informed

Your feedback and questions are always welcome as it provides useful insights on key issues and unanswered questions. Feedback and questions can be submitted via the RIT Webpage. If you would like to know more about the reform project, please visit the Queensland Government RFS Reform Project.

Peter Hollier AFSM
A/Assistant Commissioner 
Rural Fire Service