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MRIP - Monthly Newsletter May 2023


Welcome to the May edition of the Marine Rescue Implementation Monthly newsletter.

On 31 May, the Marine Rescue Implementation Working Group (MRIWG) continued to progress the implementation of a future integrated marine rescue service and updates will be provided in a forthcoming Communique after the meeting.

I recognise that marine rescue volunteers have been involved in a number of search and rescues over the past month including an extended search off Townsville with QF 8, and VMR Burdekin involved for several days off Townsville. Thank you to the volunteers involved in the search.

Volunteers can stay updated via the QFES webpage and subscribe to our communications which remains the accurate source of information of the implementation program. You can also join the Queensland Marine Rescue Volunteers Facebook Group.

As always Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) extend our continued thanks and appreciation for keeping our communities safe on the water.

Troy Davies, Acting Executive Director,  Emergency Management and Community Capability

Name for new marine rescue service announced


At the Marine Rescue Implementation Working Group meeting on 31 May 2022 in Yeppoon the name of the new marine rescue service was announced by the Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, the Honourable Mark Ryan MP.

The name proposed by the Working Group and overwhelmingly supported by the volunteers surveyed, will be Marine Rescue Queensland.

This means a single integrated marine rescue service has moved a step closer with the future service’s name today announced.

The new name acknowledges the important role that marine rescue volunteers have in keeping the community safe out on the water.

Marine rescue volunteers were consulted over an eight-week period from 17 November 2021 to 14 January 2022 about the future single integrated service name.

Marine Rescue Queensland was the overwhelming choice of 87 per cent of the almost 1,000 volunteer participants surveyed.

The two existing marine rescue service organisations will continue to be supported during implementation to provide services to Queensland’s boating community.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) recognises the outstanding dedication and significant contribution that marine rescue volunteers make in keeping Queenslanders and visitors to our state safe.

QFES Commissioner Greg Leach has thanked the thousands of marine rescue volunteers who have selflessly given their time and energy to serve the Queensland community.

“There are more than 3,000 volunteers across 47 marine rescue units along Queensland’s coastline,” Mr Leach said.

“These volunteers continue to provide ongoing commitment to saving lives on water and are often placing their own safety at risk to rescue boaters in hazardous seas, severe weather and in darkness.”

QFES appreciates the support of volunteers and stakeholders as we move towards a single integrated marine rescue service in Queensland.

We want to hear from you – Marine Rescue Implementation Sentiment Survey

Volunteer feedback is vital to the Marine Rescue Implementation Program, and we want to hear from you.

Queensland marine rescue volunteers are invited to take part in the Marine Rescue Implementation Sentiment Survey and share your current views on the implementation.

All survey responses will be anonymous. The survey takes only one minute, and you can participate here.

Minister visits QF 9 Cairns


Top right photo: Minister Ryan with QF 9 members and Acting Far Northern Assistant Commissioner Neil Francis. Provided by QF 9.

The Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, Mark Ryan MP visited QF 9 Cairns on 4 May along with Acting Assistant Commissioner Neil Francis.

The Minister and Acting Assistant Commissioner were shown the flotilla’s newest vessel, the ‘Rotary Spirit’.

A demonstration showcasing the vessel’s capability on the water was provided before the vessel was called to assist with retrieving a vessel involved in the search and rescue off Townsville which was located near Green Island.

The Minister was also provided a tour of the base and the hospitality of the Flotilla was greatly appreciated as is their outstanding contribution to their community.

Service Agreements 2022-23


Photo provided by VMR Burdekin.

Discussions are commencing for the 2022-23 Service Agreements for Volunteer Marine Rescue Association Queensland (VMRAQ) and Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association (AVCGA).

The Service Agreements will continue to provide ongoing financial support for both organisations throughout the implementation and moving towards the transition phase.

The Service Agreements provide support to training and administration, organisational funding, and subsidises insurance for assets and volunteer WorkCover.

The Marine Rescue Implementation team appreciates all efforts by Squadrons and Flotillas to contribute to reporting requirements which allows QFES to continue to provide this support.

Search and Rescue Course

Volunteers from Volunteer Marine Rescue and Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association took part in a Search and Rescue training course at the Emergency Services Complex from 4- 8 May.

The course was organised by Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) and led by State SAR Coordinator Senior Sergeant Jim Whitehead.

The five-day course included subjects such as search planning and plotting, and medical aspects.

The course is aimed for Coxswains and Resource Coordinators with search and rescue experience. The second round of courses will be held from 8-12 June 2022.


Photo: AVCGA and VMRAQ volunteers taking part in Search and Rescue course 4-8 May.

Resource to Risk

On 26 April, the Marine Rescue Implementation (MRI) team visited QF12 Tully to undertake a Resource to Risk (R2R) workshop.

The MRI team met with Lloyd Cripps (Flotilla Commander), Brian McNee (Deputy Flotilla Commander) and Marcus Thomas (Flotilla Administration Officer).

The session provided the flotilla the opportunity to review their unit profile and make changes to ensure the MRI team have a thorough understanding of their operations and the challenges they face locally.

Unit profiles assist QFES in understanding the minimum resourcing requirements for vessels, crew and training and inform how we can build capacity and capability to support marine rescue services.

AVCGA Flotillas are encouraged to contact the Marine Rescue Implementation team for R2R visits to be scheduled.

Volunteerism Sub-Working Group Expression of Interests


Expressions of Interests (EOIs) are now open for the Volunteerism Sub-Working Group.

We are looking for passionate volunteers who have the skills and experience in sustainable volunteering and creating pathways to participation, recognition and engagement.

The Volunteerism Sub-Working Group will provide advice to the Marine Rescue Implementation Program and the Marine Rescue Implementation Working Group (MRIWG) on the following:

  • strategy for the engagement and transition of volunteers
  • recruitment and sustainment, including volunteering pathways.
  • volunteer recognition and protections
  • design, development, and management of uniforms.

Marine rescue volunteers interested in applying to this Sub-Working Group will need to complete an application form and not be a current member of MRIWG or any other Sub-Working Group.

Information will also be provided via the Queensland Marine Rescue Volunteers Facebook Group.

Applications close Monday 20 June 2022.

Vessel Replacement Program

The ‘invitation to offer’ for the second vessel to be built under the Vessel Replacement Program (VRP) closed on 23 May 2022.

Planning is continuing for further vessel builds to be procured this year, and discussions with the receiving units underway.

The Resource to Risk project is one of the inputs that informs the VRP’s vessel prioritisation.

Influenza vaccination


All Queenslanders are now eligible for a free flu vaccination. The Queensland Government is funding free flu vaccinations as influenza cases increase.

The influenza vaccine is available free from GPs and pharmacies until the end of June. Volunteers should speak with their local GP or pharmacist to see which vaccine is available to them.

There are no changes for people already eligible under the National Immunisation Program Schedule. People eligible under the National Immunisation Program should continue to access the influenza vaccination from their usual vaccination providers. 

If you are unsure of your eligibility or have any other concerns about the vaccine, please speak with your doctor.  Please note that while the vaccine is free, a consultation fee may apply.

Volunteers are still able to access the QFES Influenza Vaccination Program until 30 June as part of QFES' ongoing support to marine rescue volunteers.

Book your appointment via the Bookings Home Page and use the QFES code: QFES22060. If on the day of your appointment you are feeling unwell stay at home.