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DM - Newsletter Edition 6

Edition 6 has arrived, and there are 34 business days as of 12 Sept 2023 until your transition to QPS.

Please keep the questions coming as many of these questions have identified extra considerations, we may not have thought of.

Key dates

Please save the dates for these upcoming activities:

  • Monday 18 September 2023 (2.30-4.30pm) – RIT hosted “30 days to go” Townhall
  • Monday, 23 October 2023 (12:30pm – 2:30pm) – RIT hosted “Transition week” Townhall
  • Tuesday, 24 October 2023 (9am – 10am) – QFES hosted “Thank-you morning tea” (Invitations will be sent out)

Transition guides

Transition guides for staff are being developed. The guides will be co-authored by QFES and QPS, with information about what to do and who to seek assistance from pre-and-post transition. We are working to have these guides ready for circulation by mid-September. The RIT DM working groups, listed below, have been pulling together all the information you should need for the transition:

  • ICT
  • Legal and Policy
  • Accommodation
  • Finance
  • Procurement
  • HR
  • Fleet
  • Subject Matter Experts

You can expect to see the following covered:

  • Payroll and historical data
  • Timesheets
  • Leave balances, excess and future leave
  • Accrued time leave (ATL) and Time Off In Lieu (TOIL)
  • Novated lease agreements and salary sacrificing
  • Flexible Work Arrangements (FWA)
  • Finance (Corporate Cards)
  • ICT
  • Fleet

Corporate card graphic

What’s changing?

As a brief summation to clarify changes for transitioning staff members, from 30 October 2023 the following will occur:

What’s changing?

What’s not changing?

Corporate card – transitioning staff will need to apply for your QPS Corporate Card by 15 September 2023.
Complete a new corporate card application form and email to

Job security – you will retain your position within QPS.

Payroll number – as you are changing from QFES Aurion to QPS Aurion, you will be issued a new payroll number. If you have been previously allocated a QPS payroll number, this number will be reinstated. You will no longer be able to access QFES Aurion after 20 October 2023.

Disaster management arrangements – all disaster management arrangements will remain in place for the upcoming season. There may be changes coming into next year’s season. These will be discussed and provided to you if/when these occur.

Timesheets – following the transition you will no longer be able to access QFES Aurion, any outstanding timesheets will need to be submitted by 17 October 2023, and your final timesheet for managerial approval by 20 October 2023. A paper timesheet will be completed for 18-31 October 2023.

Work location – there are no immediate plans to change your work location.

Novated lease agreements and salary sacrificing – you will need to inform leasing agency about the change to your employing agency. This will not involve reapplying rather a change of employer form.

Flexible work arrangements (FWA) – you will need to ensure all FWA approval documentation is current. Your FWA might need to be discussed with new managers post transition.

Chain of Command – your Chain of Command will change. You will report to the District Disaster Coordinator (DDC). In most instances this will be the DDC of your current office location. Further details will be provided ASAP.

Leave – QSS will be transferring all leave balances, however, please ensure you take note of your balance as at 20 October 2023 as well as any future planned leave (photo or screenshot). Leave balances (including recreational leave, TOIL and ATL) will need to be reduced to a reasonable level prior to transition, or future leave planned.

To note – ATL balances will need to be in the positive prior to transition. Additionally, ATL will show differently in QPS Aurion due to changed accrual methods. You will need to complete an ATL adjustment for approval by your new manager post transition.

TOIL may be paid out if it remains unused after 12 months from the date overtime was worked, where the employee has both taken reasonable steps to avoid excessive TOIL balances and been refused an application to take such TOIL as per the Hours, Overtime and Excess Travel Directive 02/18

Personal Development and Achievement Plan (PaDP) – finalise your current PADP with manager by 30 October 2023, and upon transition to QPS your new manager will discuss a new PADP.

Deductions and disbursements – QSS will transfer your deductions and disbursements on transition to QPS Aurion.

Email address – your email format will change to

Superannuation – QSS will notify QSuper or relevant superannuation fund to action any required updates, including self-managed funds.

Identification card and building access – you will be issued a new QPS identification card. You will retain your FOB or key if you don’t currently use an access card.

Fleet – you will retain your current vehicle and/or be able to access QPS/QFES carpool vehicles.

Uniform – have been approved and are available for try on at the SDCC Watchdesk and at QPS Academy Townsville..
Check your sizing and order by 6 October 2023 if you want to receive them by 30 October 2023.

ICT changes – You will keep your current QFES issued device/s, i.e computers, tablets, mobiles and phones, these assets will be transferred to QPS. You will retain your current mobile number and continue to use the same printer.

We expect some teething problems will surface post transition; further information will be provided in the guidelines including relevant contacts.

Please let us know if there are other topics you would like to see covered via

Questions and support

Given the critical importance of the reform program and the transition, we encourage you to actively engage with the Team. Reach out to us, seek guidance, and share any concerns or questions you may have regarding the transition.

We encourage you to visit the Disaster Management ForGov website for more information and to submit your questions. We are actively updating the Disaster Management FAQs and myth busters as a point of truth for all of your transition related queries.

Alternatively, contact our team through our online feedback form.

Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment to the success of the disaster management transition.


John Bosnjak