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The Marine Rescue Queensland Implementation Working Group (MRQIWG) held its first meeting of the year on March 1, 2023.

The meeting was marked by the official return of the Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association (AVCGA) to the Working Group and the Program's consultative framework.

With both AVCGA and Volunteer Marine Rescue Association Queensland (VMRAQ) now part of the consultative framework, we look forward to continuing to work collectively towards establishing Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ).

The Marine Rescue Implementation Program (MRIP) continues to work directly with marine rescue volunteers, the MRQIWG, and its Sub-Working Groups to establish requirements for MRQ and transition from Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) to Queensland Police Service.

This includes collaborating with the Reform Implementation Taskforce (RIT) who are leading the broader Police and Emergency Services Reform.

Together, we remain committed to continued conversations with this group to get your views as we design and implement Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ).

Minister's message

Firstly, I acknowledge the selfless dedication and commitment of marine rescue volunteers over the recent summer period, where you often gave up time with family and friends to serve your local communities.

Rescues and activations happen all year round however, I recognise that the summer months are the busiest period. It’s the time of year when many head out on holidays to relax and this is when the skills of marine rescue volunteers are most in demand.

It’s when crews can be found on waterways, and radio rooms are a hive of activity as boaters log on and off, ask for advice, and call for help.

There were several significant incidents that marine rescue volunteers attended in addition to assisting in searches and helping boaters get back to shore safely.

Marine rescue volunteers have responded to each of these incidents with professionalism and compassion. On behalf of the Queensland Government, I thank you for your service and dedication.

The MRQIWG has continued to provide invaluable advice and input towards the establishment of a single integrated marine rescue service.

And now with both marine rescue organisations at the table this means greater collaboration to deliver a better backed, better resourced service with MRQ.

The Hon. Mark Ryan MP, Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services

Marine Rescue Queensland Implementation Working Group Meeting

The MRQIWG convened for its tenth session on March 1, 2023, at the Emergency Services Complex in Kedron, Brisbane. The gathering marked the official return of the AVCGA into the Working Group and the Program's consultative structure. The MRQIWG welcomed both AVCGA and VMRAQ's input in establishing MRQ.

This session also served as the first since the Queensland Government announced the formation of the RIT and that MRQ will be hosted by QPS once established.

The meeting addressed several significant points, as outlined below:

Reform Implementation Taskforce

Key Items: RIT representatives provided an update to the Working Group. The Taskforce is responsible for implementing the Police and Emergency Service Reforms announced by the Queensland Government in October 2022 and is also overseeing the transfer of the Marine Rescue Implementation Program (MRIP) from QFES to QPS. Initial discussions indicate positive collaboration and reflections of the MRIP and the work completed to date.

Next Steps: RIT representatives will attend future MRQIWG meetings and work with the MRIP and MRQIWG to deliver MRQ.

Marine Rescue Implementation Program Transition (QFES to QPS)

Key Items: The MRIP will likely transition post July 1, 2023, although the date for the Program team's transition has yet to be finalised. The transition will not disadvantage the current and future program of work and will continue to build on progress and achievements to date.

Next Steps: MRIP will continue to operate as usual, and further announcements will be made regarding the timeline for moving the Program into the QPS.

MRQ Uniforms

Key items: Uniforms are now part of the Branding and Marketing Project. Initial conversations with stakeholders have centred around the current uniform design, catalogues, logistics, and supply. The Program is looking into what existing processes across VMRAQ, AVCGA, QPS, and QFES are already available and how MRQ can leverage those processes. More resources have been allocated, including additional expertise to accelerate uniform design and consultation with volunteers. The Program is working with both AVCGA and VMRAQ and looking at current uniforms to identify what works well and what can be improved.

Next steps: MRIP is continuing discussions with AVCGA and VMRAQ on design for MRQ uniforms with the view to develop mock-ups for consultation with volunteers.

Marine Rescue Queensland (MRQ) Transition

Key Items: MRQ remains planned to commence during 2024, with units transitioning in planned stages over a period of time. This will be a staged process, and not all units will transition to MRQ at the same time. During the transition stage, marine rescue units that have not transitioned will still operate under their existing organisation until they have completed transition to MRQ to ensure service continuity to communities. There are a number of considerations that will contribute to when each individual unit will transition to MRQ, such as financial and capability, which will be planned in due course.

Next Steps: MRIP will work with AVCGA and VMRAQ to design a timeline for moving units into MRQ.

Vessel Replacement

Key Items: Working Group members received a Vessel Replacement update, which included a progress report on current vessel builds for two current builds and additional vessels out in market. Six additional vessels are imminently going into design phase with another three vessels tenders under evaluation. There are currently 11 vessels either in or entering build stage or under evaluation.

Next Steps: The MRIP continues to work directly with units identified for replacements, providing updates on progress and listening to feedback about the vessel requirements. MRIP will continue engaging sub working groups and volunteers as we continue to build the future MRQ fleet.

Branding and Logo Development

Key Items: MRQ takes a new approach in branding and logo development by seeking the services of a creative agency to accelerate the project. Following a rigorous selection process, the agency has been engaged to finalise a service logo, style guide, and other essential design elements, including uniforms. Following valuable feedback from volunteers and engagement with the Marketing Communications Reference Group were consulted and supported the next steps.

Next Steps: The MRIP will continue its work to advance the future identity of MRQ and consultation with volunteers will recommence shortly.

Asset Transition Approach

Key Items: Working Group members discussed the asset transition approach that is under development, which feeds into the overall Transition planning for the program. The MRQIWG agreed that progressing this work is a key priority and emphasised its importance for AVCGA and VMRAQ units and members. Further discussions ensued around how it could be effectively implemented.

Next Steps: The MRIP team will continue to prioritize work supporting the development of the asset transition approach and engage with MRQIWG and Sub-Working Group members to seek advice regarding the pathway forward.

MRQ Funding and Financial Model

Key Items: Members discussed the ongoing $27 million funding commitment for MRQ once established in the context of the future financial model for the service. The Queensland Government's commitment provides funding certainty for MRQ’s future operations, but also allows for further refinement of the financial model, including fundraising, membership models and sponsorship.

Next Steps: MRIP will continue to develop and seek further advice on progressing the MRQ financial model to ensure the long-term financial viability of the service.

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