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SES - June Update

By now everybody involved with the State Emergency Service (SES) will be aware of the decision to Transition SES (as an entity) across to the Queensland Police Service (QPS) by no later and 1 July 2024. For many of us this can be both exciting as well as somewhat uncertain times. Change can be unsettling. The good news is there is much work being done in these early stages that help SES be fully prepared and ready for the transition next year. Whilst it may feel like a long way away, the process of transition is complex and requires careful and considered planning and preparation well in advance of the actual move.

Currently SES are working closely with QFES, the Reform Implementation Taskforce (RIT) and the QPS to undertake this initial work. This collaboration and co-design is vital to ensuring a positive experience for both staff and volunteers alike. Having the right people involved ensures there is a common understanding of the complexities and challenges associated with SES, it removes any assumptions and allows clarity around those services required now and into the future by the SES.

Regular meetings are currently happening where the team are systematically and methodically working their way through all the items – starting with our enabling corporate support services.

Keeping our people and volunteers informed and involved will be a priority. To this end a change champions network is being established during May – June. Once up and established the network will continue through to transition. The role of the local change champions is critical in actively supporting leadership to guide and lead the change locally. More on this next time.

The immediate next steps to be aware of include:

  • Clarifying and finalising the corporate enabling services required by SES
  • Establishing a SES Transition Board to guide Transition
  • Establish a Change Support Implementation working group that will be responsible for planning and executing the detail technical work to “ lift & shift” SES across to QPS.
  • Utilise the SES OSAG (internal governance) as the reference group for all Transition related input.

Things to look out for coming up over the Horizon:

Introduction of the Local Change Champions

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