Security technical leads community of practice
The security technical leads community of practice (CoP) aims to provide:
- a dedicated space for inter-agency collaboration, learning, and knowledge sharing in relation to cyber security technical leadership and uplift.
- a collaborative Teams environment for networking and interactions amongst Queensland government cyber security technical professionals to foster a community and:
- an online platform to ask questions
- discuss current trends
- offer assistance and advice
- share progress in uplifting agency security posture
- highlight opportunities for sector improvements and uplift.
- a centralised knowledge base for document and artifact sharing.
- updates on Queensland Government Cyber Security Unit (CSU) technical services, tools, and platforms.
The delivery platform for CSU CoPs is GovTeams Official, which is a Teams platform delivered by the Australian Government and is free for all Australian Government staff to join. This CoP is run in GovTeams Official every 6 weeks.
Leading agency
Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group
Membership to the security technical leads CoP is open to security technical and digital professionals responsible for information and cyber security across Queensland government entities.
To request membership in the CoP, please apply online or contact CSU via email:
Meeting frequency
Meetings are held online as well as hybrid/in-person events. Online meetings are held every 6 weeks
Name: Cyber Security Unit