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Use end-of-trip facilities

Once we have processed your application to use end-of-trip facilities and given you access, you're free to use them. Check out what you need to know below.

What you need to tell us

If your contact information changes, please tell us by calling (07) 3008 2750 or emailing

Tell the building security desk about lost property, damage to the facilities or maintenance issues.

Access and security

You must display Queensland Government photo identification or a current visitor pass when in the building.

The shared areas of the facility are under 24 hour CCTV surveillance.

You'll get an access card or a PIN that allows you to access the facilities—don't share this with anyone.

Lost access card

If you lose your access card, report this to the building security desk. You will need to re-apply for the card by

  • filling out an application
  • paying the $50 fee.

Entry and exit

Pedestrians must use pedestrian paths and cyclists must only use cycle paths to enter and exit the facilities.

Hours of access

You can use the facilities from 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

If you work in the building and you hold a red or blue Queensland Government identification card, you can also access the facilities:

  • after hours Monday to Friday
  • on weekends and public holidays.

Minimum use requirements

Access to end-of-trip facilities is granted on the basis that you will regularly use them.

We may terminate your access if you don't use the facilities at least 25 times over 3 months. Users with a locker allocated to them must use the facilities a minimum of 2 times a week in order to retain the use of the locker. Failure to do so without prior approval from may result in the locker being reallocated to another user.

Suspend or terminate your access

If you no longer wish to use the facilities, let us know and return your access card to the building security desk. If your access card is still needed to access other areas of the building, we will reprogram and return it.

Suspend your access

You can ask us to temporarily suspend your access if you won't be using the facilities due to injury or illness, leave, secondment, or another reason. This means you won't be subject to the minimum use requirements.

You'll need to:

  • remove all your property from the facilities
  • surrender your access card to the building security desk.

Email us when you want to resume access (you'll be prioritised over applicants on the waiting list).

Terminating your access

We can terminate your access to the facilities if you:

You will need to:

  • remove all your property from the facilities
  • surrender your access card to the building security desk.

Uncollected property

If you have not removed all your property from the facilities within 3 months of access being suspended or terminated, we will email you.

If you don't respond within 7 days, we will remove your personal belongings from the facilities (where necessary, we will cut locks or chains securing those belongings).

We'll store personal belongings that we've removed from the facilities for 3 months. If you don't claim the property in that time, we will dispose of it at our discretion.

Bicycle parking

We don't allocate individual bike racks. We recommend you lock your bicycle securely to the shared rack with your own lock and chain. Because racks are shared, you must not leave locks or chains in place when not in use.

You can only use bicycle cages to store bicycles, not any other personal belongings or equipment.

Be considerate of other users when parking your bicycle in this facility—make sure th door is closed when you leave.

Change rooms and lockers

We recommend that you store all personal items in a secure locker. You are responsible for providing your own lock.

You can leave towels in your locker or on the towel hooks.

Don't store work-related personal protective equipment, field equipment or clothing in the facilities.

Leave the change room clean and tidy after use. Make sure the door is closed when you leave.

Compliance with Building Rules and Procedures

Any person accessing or using the End-of-Trip facilities must also comply with all Building Rules and Procedures. Failure to do so may result in your access being cancelled.