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Restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) platform DeepSeek on government provided devices are now in place.

QGEA Reporting requirements

Some Queensland Government Enterprise Architecture (QGEA) policies contain reporting requirements. These are clearly noted in each policy.

Generally, reporting will only apply to departments, and to government bodies in scope of specific policies with broader applicability. See How to apply the QGEA for more.

Policy name



Digital community engagement policy

Departments must notify Queensland Online about new engagements and engagement findings reports to ensure publishing on the central listing and to close the engagement loop.

Email about new engagements and findings.

As known.

ICT resources strategic planning policy

  • The reporting requirements submitted as per the current QGEA ICT profiling standard (government log-in required)
  • The draft or endorsed ICT initiatives and activities submitted as part of their work plan and as per the current QGEA ICT profiling standard (government log-in required).

As per ICT profiling standard

ICT SME participation scheme policy

Departments must report awards made to Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) under the SME Access incentive in the ICT industry providing innovative solutions up to the value of $500,000 (inclusive of GST). To assess the benefits of this change to the SME Scheme the following information is required:

  • Date of award
  • Total value of award
  • SME status
  • Overview of the solution
  • Key business benefit of the delivered solution

Quarterly - March, June, September, December

Information governance policy

Provide the department’s or Queensland Government ICT service provider’s draft or endorsed information management initiatives.

For further information please see the QGEA ICT profiling standard (government log-in required) and the Work plan template.

Supporting guidance is available in Information security requirements and responsibilities and the Information management work plan guideline.

31 July every year

Information security policy (IS18:2018)

1 (a) For the financial year ending 30 June 2019:

  • Departments must submit an Information security annual return that has been endorsed by the department's accountable officer to the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group.
  • Departmental accountable officers must submit a letter of attestation to the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group

30 October 2019

1 (b) From 2020, for each financial year ending 30 June:

  • Departments must submit an Information security annual return that has been endorsed by the department's accountable officer to the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group.
  • Departmental accountable officers must submit a letter of attestation to the Queensland Government Customer and Digital Group.
Annually by 30 September

2  Communicate incident response activities and threat intelligence to the Queensland Government Information Security Virtual Response Team as per the QGEA Information security incident reporting standard.
