Digital investment principles
All digital investments are required to follow the digital investment principles of:
- User focused – digital investments are accessible and user-centric, delivering improvements for individuals and businesses to engage with or deliver government services
- Deliver defined value – digital investments have a clear value proposition (e.g. quantifiable value or efficiency benefits)
- Leverage and build on existing assets – where it makes sense, digital investments use common and connected digital platforms to enable responsive service delivery (joined up government service delivery)
- Safe – digital investments safeguard the security of government and customer information and digital resources
- Achievable and viable – digital investments have executive support, are able to be delivered, include business change and readiness considerations and have practical timelines with appropriate risk profiles
- Future-focused and sustainable – digital investments contribute to the momentum of the government’s digital transformation in a way that can be maintained over the solution’s lifecycle (beyond implementation).
The digital investment principles provide direction and guidance when formulating a digital investment within the Queensland Government. The principles are designed to steer investment decisions towards achieving the DIGF objectives (Right Solutions, Right Way, Right Amount, Right Time).