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About Gazette publications

Use the Gazette search tool to find current and historical release publications from 2003 onwards. Visit the State Library of Queensland for publications prior to 2003.

Read below to understand how the Gazette indices (indexes) assist in finding a published notice.

Gazette indices

Gazettes are combined and published every Friday. The indices contain a record of every notice that was published under an Act, including the Regulations, over a four-month period:

  • January–April
  • May–August
  • September–December
  • Indices Companion Guide (by year)

Using the indices

You can find online copies of the gazettes using the Gazette search tool. These are available individually and grouped into publication sets including:

  • Extraordinary Gazettes by month
  • General and all other Gazettes by month.


To find where a notice was gazetted under the Building Act, follow these steps:

  1. Search for the year of publication:
    • Select Index listings as the gazette type.
    • Select 2015 as the year.
    • Select the Search button.
  2. Open the publishing time period e.g. September—December 2015.
  3. Find the page numbers for the Building Act notice listings (e.g. pg 57, 73, 158, 209, 224).
  4. Open the gazette from the Gazette notices listing for 2015.

Finding notices under an Act or Regulation

You can find notices published under an Act or Regulation under the headings:

  • Appointment of
  • Notice under
  • Notification of Forms.

Notices will be listed under ‘Miscellaneous’ if they are published without an Act. There are notices that may contain more than one Act—there will be multiple pages listed.

You can find notices related to the Constitution of Queensland listed under headings:

  • Administrative Arrangements
  • Appointment of
  • Copy of Commission
  • Proclamation.

Finding appointments and other general gazette notices

  • Significant Appointments are filed under the relevant Act under Appointment of.
  • Public Sector Human Resource Appointments Part I & IIs are filed under Vacancies Appointments under the Public Sector Act.
  • Bills Assented to notices are recorded under the heading Legislative Assembly.
  • Administrative Arrangement notices detail the responsibilities of ministers and their portfolios and publication is recorded under the Constitution of Queensland (the individual acts are not recorded separately).
  • Departmental Arrangement notices are listed under the Public Sector Act.
  • Justice of the Peace listings and Probate Notices are no longer published in the Queensland Government Gazette.