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Restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) platform DeepSeek on government provided devices are now in place.

Franchise model statement of commitment

Each lead agency commits to:

  • adopt the principles of the franchise model and the QGov Online operating model to ensure a customer-centric, consistent whole-of-government approach when delivering the single website experience
  • own and maintain any agreed franchise
  • review other agency websites to identify content that may be suitable for your franchise(s)
  • actively participate in cross-agency content coordination arrangements
  • fund and resource the franchise team and provide relevant staff for training organised by Smart Service Queensland (SSQ)
  • fund and perform market research for your identified customer group(s), within the process and standards to deliver on the single website experience principles
  • work in partnership with SSQ and other franchise leads and participate in agreed governance arrangements
  • develop and maintain consistent franchise business processes and content in line with the QGov Online Operating Manual
  • maintain existing hardware, software, hosting and other ICT costs for the franchise(s) and allow SSQ to interact with the systems where necessary
  • advise SSQ of relevant ICT upgrades, changes and outages in advance (where possible) so that can maintain delivery of the client agency's service, and work with SSQ to explore viable solutions in the event of an extended disruption
  • ensure any other projects or programs that may impact adversely on the single website experience are identified and risks mitigated.

Each contributing agency* commits to:

  • adopt the principles of the franchise model and the QGov Online operating model to ensure a customer-centric, consistent whole-of-government approach when delivering the single website experience
  • work with franchise leads on content for their franchise(s), that is developed and maintained in line with the QGov Online Operating Manual
  • actively participate in cross-agency content coordination arrangements
  • fund and perform market research for your identified customer group(s), within the process and standards to deliver on the single website experience principles
  • work in partnership with SSQ and franchise leads and participate in agreed governance arrangements
  • ensure any other projects or programs that may impact adversely on the single website experience are identified and risks mitigated.

* Note: Queensland Government agencies contribute content to one or more franchises. Other non-government organisations, local government agencies and industry may also be content contributors.

The central organising agency (Smart Service Queensland) commits to:

  • undertake appropriate customer research, and provide the insights gathered to inform ongoing online improvements
  • educate agencies about and promote the Queensland Government's online channel's objectives, the QGov Online methodology and encourage agencies' ongoing commitment to web franchises
  • provide and revise, as necessary, the QGov Online operating manual
  • be responsible for the design of the single website experience
  • assist in the identification and review of existing relevant website content
  • provide training (including web writing) and training tools for relevant stakeholders
  • provide guidance on developing and maintaining cross-agency content and relationships
  • regularly review the franchises
  • be responsible for all costs for ICT hardware, software, and hosting for the portions of the single website experience that are not within a franchise responsibility
  • manage continuity of service through best practice infrastructure and network design, and through effective processes for protecting the delivery of these services, including notifying agencies
  • maintain SSQ-managed infrastructure and systems and schedule system upgrades to minimise disruption to service delivery wherever possible
  • lead and provide secretariat for the agreed governance arrangements
  • provide timely advice, support and decisions to agencies about managing franchises
  • provide an appropriately skilled team to support the franchise model.

All participants in the franchise model will:

  • collaborate to develop and define the agreed processes, standards and timeframes under which the franchise(s) will operate
  • share information and data relevant to the program.

Contact Smart Service Queensland for more information.