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Restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) platform DeepSeek on government provided devices are now in place.

5. Definitions

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | L | M | O | P | Q | R | S | V


Accountable officer

Accountable officer has the meaning conferred by the Financial Accountability Act 2009. For the purposes of this Policy, this term also includes Chief Executive Officers of government-owned corporations, statutory bodies and ‘special purpose vehicles’.

Addressable spend

Addressable spend has the meaning as defined in the Queensland Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Procurement Policy.


Agency means, for the purposes of this Policy:

  • a department or a statutory body as defined in the Financial Accountability Act 2009
  • an entity declared by regulation to be a government-owned corporation under the Government Owned Corporations Act 1993
  • ‘special purpose vehicles’ as established from 1 July 2010 and existing ‘special purpose vehicles’ which are required to comply with the Queensland Procurement Policy by their respective constitutions.


Budget sector agency

Budget sector agency means, for the purposes of this Policy, an entity declared to be a department pursuant to Section 197 of the Public Sector Act 2022. It also includes the Electoral Commission of Queensland, Office of the Governor, Public Sector Commission, Queensland Audit Office, Queensland Ombudsman and Queensland Parliamentary Service.



Category is the grouping of similar goods or services with common demand drivers and a similar supply base.

Category management

Category management is a lifecycle approach to managing spend that groups ‘categories’ together, aligning the approach to the characteristics of the ‘category’.

Common-use supply arrangement

Common-use supply arrangement means an arrangement intended for whole-of-government use established between the principal and the successful offeror (including without limitation a standing offer arrangement, a register of pre-qualified ‘suppliers’, panel arrangement or preferred ‘supplier’ arrangement).


Declared emergency

Declared emergency means a declaration of an emergency by the Australian or Queensland Governments.


Diversity in ‘supplier’ types may include for example, ‘suppliers’ that are a ‘small and medium enterprise’, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander businesses as defined in the Queensland Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Procurement Policy, social enterprises, women-owned and/or women-led businesses, businesses owned or operated by people with disability, and culturally and linguistically diverse ‘suppliers’.

Dumped goods

Dumped goods are goods resulting from a practice whereby a ‘supplier’ exports goods to another country at a price below the price charged in the country of manufacture, or below the cost of manufacturing the good.



Employee means, for the purposes of this Policy, any employee of an ‘agency’ whether permanent, temporary, full-time, part-time or casual, and any volunteer, student, contractor, consultant or anyone who works in any other capacity for an ‘agency’.

Enduring community value

Enduring community value means the long-term economic, ethical, social and environmental value to current and future generations of Queenslanders and is created through ‘responsible public procurement’ choices.


Forward Procurement Pipeline

Forward Procurement Pipeline is an interactive dashboard which provides information on upcoming ‘projects’ prior to a tender being released.


Goods and/or services

Goods and/or services include all property (except for real property) and all types of services including building and construction services, and infrastructure.

Government objectives

Government objectives or objectives of the government may be stated in legislation, whole-of-government ‘procurement’ policy and ‘procurement-related policy’, whole-of-government ‘procurement’ plans, directions or formal agreements between government and ‘agencies’.


Large statutory body

Large statutory body means a statutory body where either of the following criteria apply:

  • net operating result in excess of $5 million, or
  • net assets in excess of $100 million.

Lead agency

Lead agency is an ‘agency’ responsible for managing common ‘categories’ of expenditure across two or more ‘agencies’.

Limited offer method

Limited offer method is a ‘procurement’ method where the ‘agency’ invites a ‘supplier(s)’ of its choice to offer.

Local benefits

Local benefits are economic impact benefits deriving from ‘procurement’ investment supporting the ‘local workforce’ and/or ‘local suppliers’.

Local supplier

Local supplier means a ‘supplier’ of ‘goods and/or services’ that maintains a workforce whose usual place of residency (i.e. where they normally live, sleep and eat) is located within a 125 kilometre (km) radius of where the ‘good and/or service’ is to be supplied. If a capable ‘local supplier’ does not exist within the 125 kilometre radius, the radius should be extended progressively to the local region, then Queensland, then outside of Queensland, until a suitable ‘supplier’ is identified.

Local workforce

Local workforce means a workforce whose usual place of residency is located within a 125 km radius of where the 'good and/or service' is to be supplied.


Minister responsible for Government Procurement

Minister responsible for Government Procurement is the Minister allocated responsibility for Government Procurement via the Administrative Arrangements Orders.

Modern slavery

Modern slavery has the meaning as defined in the Eliminating modern slavery in government supply chains guide.


Open offer method

Open offer method is a procurement method where all interested 'suppliers' may submit an offer.


Person in charge

Person in charge has the meaning as defined in the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001.


Procurement encompasses the whole process of obtaining ‘goods and/or services’. This includes identification of needs; planning; design; standards determination; specification writing; selection of ‘suppliers’; financing; contract management; disposals; other related functions.

Procurement-related policy

Procurement-related policy is a government policy or instrument, excluding the Queensland Procurement Policy related guidelines and guidance, that influences or impacts ‘procurement’ activities, practices and decisions. A list of current ‘procurement-related policies’ is at


Project means a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.


Purchasing is the process of acquiring ‘goods and/or services’ (including by way of license or lease) in exchange for payment, which includes ordering, entering into contract terms, receipting and payment of ‘goods and/or services’.


Queensland supplier

Queensland 'supplier' is a supplier with an Australian Business Number registered in Queensland.


Responsible Minister

Responsible Minister means the Minister(s), including any shareholding Minister(s) who are ultimately accountable for the 'procurement' made by their agency.

Responsible public procurement

Responsible public 'procurement' means procurement that encompasses added value for economic, ethical, social and environmental outcomes, consistent with government 'objectives'. Refer also to Principle 2.

Routine procurement

Routine procurement is procurement that an 'agency' has classified as low value and low risk.


Selective offer method

Selective offer method is a 'procurement' method where 'suppliers' that have met pre-established criteria are invited to offer.


Set-asides are a form of ‘selective offer method’, and involve reserving or ‘setting aside’ certain government ‘procurement’ contracts for specified types of ‘suppliers’, for example, a ‘Queensland supplier’ that is also a ‘small and medium enterprise’, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander businesses as defined in the Queensland Indigenous (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Procurement Policy, social enterprises, women-owned and/or women-led businesses, businesses owned or operated by people with disability, culturally and linguistically diverse ‘suppliers’ and so on. That is, only the ‘suppliers’ which meet the characteristic identified in the set-aside will be invited to quote or tender in the first instance.

Significant procurement

Significant procurement includes ‘goods and/or services’ identified by the ‘agency’ as being high expenditure and/or for which there is a high degree of business risk.

Small and medium enterprise

Small and medium enterprise means a business employing less than 200 people.

Special purpose vehicle

Special purpose vehicle means, for the purposes of this Policy, a company incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) that is under the control of a Queensland Government department, and which is established for a specific purpose such as delivery of infrastructure ‘projects’. For the purpose of this definition a ‘company’ does not include a government-owned corporation.


Supplier means an entity known to be capable of supplying required ‘goods and/or services’. It includes manufacturers, stockists, resellers, merchants, distributors, consultants and contractors.

Supply chain

Supply chain means a channel of goods distribution, which starts with the ‘supplier’ of raw materials or components, moves through an operational process to the distributor and retailer, and finally to the consumer.

Supply Chain of State Significance

Supply Chain of State Significance means a ‘supply chain(s)’ that has/have been declared by the ‘Minister responsible for Government Procurement’ to be a Supply Chain(s) of State Significance, where activity will centre on building a capable and competitive Queensland manufacturing sector, boosting local content and managing risk for critical ‘supply chain(s)’.


Value for money

Value for money means the best available outcome for money spent. To achieve ‘value for money’, relevant ‘government objectives’ and targets, whole-of-life costs and non-cost factors set out in Principle 1 must be considered.