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QBuild and Woodford Correctional Centre

Ironing curtain tabs at Woodford Correctional Centre, industrial workshop.
Ironing curtain tabs at Woodford Correctional Centre, industrial workshop.


When QBuild’s housing customer advised that it required curtains to be sourced and installed in their vacant residential properties, QBuild secured the best value option for Queensland by taking into consideration Queensland Procurement Policy, Principal 2 – Advancement of economic environmental and social objectives.


Market research couldn’t identify any social enterprises, not-for-profit organisations or similar that manufactured curtains in Queensland. Discussions with various stakeholders led QBuild to Queensland Correctional Services (QCS), Woodford Correction Centre (WCC) who could manufacture curtains in their industrial workshop. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between QBuild and QCS for the manufacture and supply of curtains was signed for a 12-month term.

Woodford Correction Centre curtains installed in social housing.
Woodford Correction Centre curtains installed in social housing.


Although QCS, WCC is not deemed a social enterprise the engagement of WCC has generated various positive social outcomes for those who made the curtains, such as:

  • training opportunities and TAFE qualifications
  • work experience and rehabilitation
  • enhanced workplace/industry experience
  • increased employment opportunity chances
  • a product that ‘gives back to the community’
  • ownership and pride of the product and project

Due the success of the procurement activity, the MOU has been extended.