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QBuild and Yourtown

A social procurement partnership between QBuild and Yourtown has provided jobs for young adults in South-East Queensland.

Queensland Government's QBuild and social enterprise Yourtown are partners providing employment and training opportunities for young people facing barriers to employment.


QBuild plays an important role in the procurement and contract management of building, construction and maintenance (BCM) projects for the Queensland Government. The BCM spend is $3 billion per year and activities occur in some of Queensland's most disadvantaged and remote communities.

In line with the Queensland Procurement Policy, QBuild staff are determined to add social value to government spending wherever they can. When a fencing and grounds maintenance contract came across the desk, QBuild staff immediately saw the potential to get the job done and do some good in the south-east Queensland community.


QBuild called on a longstanding social procurement partner, Yourtown Social Enterprises, which delivers employment and training services and address difficult issues affecting the lives of children and young people.

QBuild have engaged Yourtown over many years, through competitive tender processes, or by setting aside work for them using agreed competitive prices.


The contracts provided 21 young people, at high risk of long-term unemployment, with work and training opportunities.

They are more employable and have improved social and vocational skills as a result.

Participants built self-confidence and addressed long-standing barriers to learning and work. For many, this job is life changing. The QBuild and Yourtown partnership has continued under a local area agreement whereby Yourtown supplies fencing and gates and mowing services.



Queensland Government Procurement
(07) 3215 3528