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Contractor performance reporting

Government agencies must complete performance reports for each contractor engaged through the Prequalification (PQC) System.

The performance report reviews a contractor's:

  • technical and management performance
  • compliance with statutory, contractual and prequalification requirements.

It also gives us and the contractor's management valuable feedback on elements of the contractor's performance.

Completing the report

Complete the performance report template (DOCX, 50KB) when construction is 50% completed and 3 months after practical completion.

It should be completed in a face-to-face meeting between the superintendent's representative or site representative and the contractor's representative or manager's representative, where all relevant issues are discussed.

The principal under the contract may initiate reports at other times on an exception basis.

The contractor, PQC Registrar or department sponsoring the project may also request a report.

Review of performance reports

Consistently superior contractor performance reports may lead to more tendering opportunities for the contractor on select tenders.

Poor contractor performance reports may lead to a review of the contractor's PQC registration details under the review and sanctions process.

Government departments need to inform the PQC Registrar of any signs of contractor failure, or financial or managerial stress.

Notify the PQC Register about any incidents as soon as possible if a contractor is:

  • treating or handling subcontractors or workers inappropriately
  • displaying signs of stress in whatever form
  • involved in contractual, legal or administrative action that may affect their performance.

More information

For more information, contact us on 1800 072 621 or