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Building Construction and Maintenance (BCM) category council and Industry Reference Group (IRG)

Building Construction and Maintenance (BCM) Category Council

The purpose of the Building Construction and Maintenance (BCM) Category Council (the Council) is to oversee, govern direct and influence strategic procurement activities in relation to BCM spend across government. The Council will guide and agree upon the category strategy for the building construction and maintenance spend profile, endorse sub-category plans and strategies for the category and appoint working groups to develop and implement category initiatives.

Lead agency: Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works

Category council member agencies

  • Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service
  • Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
  • Department of Energy and Climate
  • Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Justice and Attorney-General
  • Department of State Development and Infrastructure
  • Queensland Corrective Services
  • Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
  • Queensland Health
  • Queensland Police Service
  • Queensland Treasury
  • Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Services

Category council chair

Graham Atkins, Deputy Director-General, Public Works, Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works.

Meeting dates

Meeting dates this year:

  • 31 January 2024
  • 08 May 2024
  • 07 August 2024
  • 06 November 2024

Decision making authority

The Council will make decisions by agreement in relation to strategic procurement and procurement-related activities undertaken within the category. Decision-making by the Council shall be on a majority basis for those in attendance at the meeting.

Agencies may choose not to act in accordance with the Council’s decisions where a specific agency requirement directs that this is appropriate.

The authority of the Council will not override legislative authority of individual accountable officers. As such, as a collective it does not have authority to make binding decisions – relying instead on the cooperation and agreement of members.

The council reports to the Queensland Government Procurement Committee (QGPC), with members endorsed by QGPC through the Director-General of the of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works.

Request a presentation to the category council

The council chair must approve agency requests to make a presentation to the council.

Email or phone (07) 3008 2587 to request a presentation.

Presentations should not be longer than 20 minutes, including question time.

BCM Industry Reference Group (IRG)

The council has established an industry reference group to seek advice, support and feedback on proposed initiatives.


  • Air Conditioning and Mechanical Contractors' Association
  • Australian Institute of Architects Queensland Chapter
  • Australian Institute of Landscape Architects
  • Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union
  • Australian Workers' Union
  • Construction Forestry Maritime Mining and Energy Union
  • Construction Skills Queensland
  • Consult Australia
  • Electrical Trades Union
  • Engineers Australia
  • Housing Industry Association
  • Landscape Queensland
  • Master Builders Queensland
  • Master Electricians Australia
  • Master Painters Association of Queensland
  • Master Plumbers' Association of Queensland
  • National Association of Women in Construction
  • National Fire Industry Association Australia
  • Plumbing and Pipe Trades Employees Union
  • Professionals Australia
  • Queensland Council of Unions
  • Queensland Major Contractors Association
  • Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre
  • South East Regional Disability Advisory Council

Meeting dates

Meeting dates for this year:

  • 14 March 2024
  • 23 May 2024
  • 22 August 2024
  • 21 November 2024

More information

Building Contract Management
Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works
Phone: (07) 3008 2587

About the category councils

The Category Councils develop and govern category strategies for the following category groups—Information and Communication Technology; Building construction and maintenance; Social services; Transport, infrastructure and services; General goods and services; and Medical goods and services.

Need more?

Email or phone us on (07) 3215 3645 for more about the category council.